Fia Idegård
💾 | ✏️ | You Were Always On My Mind | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019) | ||
💾 | ✏️ | Love and War | Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) | ||
✏️ | What would Selma do |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Love and War: Gewinner, Bedste Fortælling
Anden Verdenskrig danner den store baggrund for dette klassiske engelske BBC-drama, hvor både kvindesyn, klassesystemet og krigen reflekteres som en krønike med høj stabilitet. Historien udfolder sig sikkert, mens rollerne gennemgår både krigens prøvelser og en hverdag, der tester deres indbyrdes kærlighed.
World War II forms the epic background of this classical English BBC drama where sexism, class differences and war are chronicled with great care. The story unfolds effortlessly as the characters experience the hardships of war and a daily existence that puts their love to the test.
World War II forms the epic background of this classical English BBC drama where sexism, class differences and war are chronicled with great care. The story unfolds effortlessly as the characters experience the hardships of war and a daily existence that puts their love to the test.
Love and War: Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
Forfatterne formår på imponerende vis at formidle scenariets 40 scener så direkte og enkelt, at det ikke bare er overskueligt, men let for spilleder at afvikle. Som læser oplever man, forfatterne altid er på forkant med den næste information, man har brug for at kende, og det vedlagte oversigtsark gør krigen tilgængelig for alle. Skudsikker redigering.
The authors impressively manage to convey the scenario’s 40 scenes in a direct and simple way making it not just manageable, but easy for the gamemaster to run. Reading the scenario, you feel assured that the authors are always one step ahead of you with the next bit of pertinent information, and the summaries make the war accessible to everyone. Bulletproof editing.
The authors impressively manage to convey the scenario’s 40 scenes in a direct and simple way making it not just manageable, but easy for the gamemaster to run. Reading the scenario, you feel assured that the authors are always one step ahead of you with the next bit of pertinent information, and the summaries make the war accessible to everyone. Bulletproof editing.
Love and War: Nominiert, Bedste Roller
Fire unge mennesker er scenariets absolutte omdrejningspunkt, og sammen danner de et stærkt tidsbillede, der udfolder sig løbende. Rollerne står gennemarbejdet, stærkt og realistisk som gruppe, og vi forstår og hepper på deres valg, dilemmaer og venskab trods store klasseskel under Anden Verdenskrig.
Four young people are the absolute focal point of the scenario, and together they invoke a strong representation of a time period that unfolds continuously. The roles are well-crafted, strong, and realistic as a group, and we understand and cheer on their choices, dilemmas, and friendships in the face of a significant class divide during World War II.
Four young people are the absolute focal point of the scenario, and together they invoke a strong representation of a time period that unfolds continuously. The roles are well-crafted, strong, and realistic as a group, and we understand and cheer on their choices, dilemmas, and friendships in the face of a significant class divide during World War II.
Love and War: Nominiert, Bedste Scenarie
Et driftssikkert og harmonisk scenarie, som giver et relevant indblik i almindelige menneskers liv og skæbne under Anden Verdenskrig. Scenariet er lettilgængeligt for spillere såvel som spilleder og giver dem alt det, de skal bruge, til at fortælle historien om de to unge pars oplevelser med krig og kærlighed, lykke og tragedie i krigens England.
A reliable and harmonious scenario that provides relevant insight into the lives and destinies of ordinary people during World War II. The scenario is easily accessible to players as well as the gamemaster and provides them with everything they need to tell the story of the two young couples' experiences of war and love, happiness and tragedy in wartime England.
A reliable and harmonious scenario that provides relevant insight into the lives and destinies of ordinary people during World War II. The scenario is easily accessible to players as well as the gamemaster and provides them with everything they need to tell the story of the two young couples' experiences of war and love, happiness and tragedy in wartime England.
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