(AKA: Gone)
Genre: Drama
Deltagere: 1 GM, 4 spillere
✏️ | Klaus Meier Olsen |
📰 | Mikkel Bækgaard |
Scenariet [dansk] | (5,3 MB) |
Lise er dement og forsvinder langsomt fra verden, mens hendes familie ser hjælpeløse til. Snart er hun helt væk. Scenariet følger Lises mand og tre voksne børn det sidste år inden hun kommer på plejehjem, mens sygdommen forværres og skridt for skridt river deres hverdag i stykker.
Væk er et scenarie om tab. Om at se den man elsker gå i opløsning i små grusomme dryp. Men det er også et scenarie om at finde sig selv midt i tragedien, om at udvikle sig som menneske og om at rykke tættere sammen som familie.
Stemningen er tung og tragisk og spillestilen langsom og dvælende. En scene kan sagtens indeholde meget tavshed.
Lise has dementia and disappears slowly from the world, while her family watches helplessly. Soon she will be gone. The scenario follows Lises husband and three adult children during the last year before she is admitted to a nursing home, while the disease is steadily worsened and bit by bit rips their lives apart.
Gone is a scenario about loss. About seeing the one you love disappear in cruel drips. But it is also a scenario about finding your self during the tragedy, becoming someone else and about a family bonding.
The mood is tragic and the playing style slow and linering. A scene can have a lot of silence.
Spillet på
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2018) |
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Vinder, Bedste Formidling
The suffocating atmosphere is everpresent in the prose, and you can feel the pain just reading the scenario. The game master is given good tools to tackle a hard subject, and the author’s feeling of responsibility is clear. It is solid and well crafted, making the participants well prepared for the journey.
Vinder, Bedste Scenarie
Gone is a heartfelt story, that is well executed and told, and where it is impossible not to be touched. It is an uncompromising scenario, that gives the players the freedom to create their own engrossing play experience. The participants are brought into an authentic and real experience of a families attempts to deal with the sorrow dementia creates in those that aren’t sick.
Vinder, Deltagernes Pris (Delt førsteplads)
Nomineret, Bedste Roller
A family that consists of real people, worts and all. The conflicts are brutally recognizable. The characters show the tough parts of being a family, that is forced together in a tragic situation. Everything about them makes sense, even where it hurts.
Nomineret, Bedste Virkemidler
The absence of the stricken and direct interaction with Lise pervades the entire experience. The dementia-scenes show the progression of the illness, through the lens of the caracters’ loss. Through this, the inevitability of the situation is underlined, and the participants are left to focus on the relationships between those left behind.
Nomineret, Bedste Fortælling
Depicts dementia in a heartfelt and empathic way, even though we never meet Lise directly. That the story takes place over a year creates ample opportunity for character development. The scenario pressents an impressive catalogue of 55 scenes, they are all good, giving the participants the opportunity to create their own story of Lises family.
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