Hemmelighedernes fængsel
(AKA: Cage of secrets)
System: D&D 5th Edition
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Deltagere: 1 GM, 3-4 spillere
✏️ | Troels Ken Pedersen |
Scenariet [dansk] | (1,7 MB) |
Scenariet [engelsk] | (1,7 MB) |
I det glemte, underjordiske tempel til Månegudinden vover en håndfuld forkælede, unge adelige pelsen for at aflure en oprørsleders hemmeligheder.
En håndfuld unge mennesker er vokset op i ekstrem rigdom som børn af Byens ledende borgere, men nu truer et oprør med at omstyrte deres ubekymrede liv. Én af deres venner er forsvundet, og en oprørsleder opildner masserne ved at afsløre Byens lederes beskidte hemmeligheder. I Månegudindens glemte, underjordiske fængsel vil de nu prøve på at finde deres ven, og på at genoprette deres vaklende verdensorden ved at afsløre de skrækkelige hemmeligheder som oprørslederen selv har efterladt bag lås og slå i Hemmelighedernes Fængsel.
De har meget at miste, men kan de holde sammen når deres egne hemmeligheder dukker frem i månelyset? Kan de overleve både dødsfælderne og oprørernes rænker? Og kan de stå ansigt til ansigt med deres egne værste svigt uden at knække?
Hemmelighedernes Fængsel er dungeon crawl noir. Indsatserne er høje, fælderne er grumme og ingen er rene.
Indeholder kærestevold, kontrollerende adfærd og vold mod børn.
D&D 5E
Dungeon Drama
Spillertype: Du har lyst til at udforske en livsfarlig dungeon, og du har lyst til at spille drama om antihelte med små og store hemmeligheder. Du må gerne have mere lyst til den ene eller den anden ting. D&D-erfaring er ikke nødvendig, men du får brug for terninger.
Spilledertype: Du er frisk på at sætte rammerne for et drama med masser af menneskelige gråtoner, og for at stå for en dynamisk dungeon med gåder, dødsfælder og tænkende væsner. Du behøver ikke være super erfaren udi D&D, men du bør nok have været i en dungeon eller to.
In the forgotten, underground temple to the Moon Goddess, a handful of spoiled, young nobles risk their lives to uncover the secrets of a rebel leader.
A handful of young people have grown up in extreme wealth as children of leading citizens of The City, but now an uprising threatens to overturn their carefree lives. One of their friends is missing, and a rebel leader is riling up the masses by exposing the dirty secrets of the leaders of the City. In the forgotten, underground temple to the Moon Goddess, the youngsters will try to find their friend, and to restore their failing world of privilege by uncovering the sordid secrets that the rebel leader herself left behind lock and key in The Cage of Secrets.
They have much to lose, but can they stick together as their own secrets appear in the moonlight? Can they survive both the death traps and the schemes of the rebels? And can confront their own worst failings without breaking?
The Cage of Secrets is dungeon crawl noir. The stakes are high, the traps are cruel and noone is clean.
Contains intimate partner violence, coercive control and violence against children.
D&D 5E
Dungeon Drama
Player types: You want to explore a dangerous dungeon, and you want to play drama about antiheroes with secrets both trivial and dire. You might want one or the other more – that is fine. D&D experience is not necessary, but you will need dice.
Gamemaster type: You want to support drama with lots of moral and psychological nuance, and you want to manage a dynamic dungeon with puzzles, death traps and thinking creatures. Years of D&D experience is not necessary, but you should have seen the inside of a dungeon or two.
Spillet på
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Nomineret, Bedste Fortælling
Four spoiled heirs must make their way through a dungeon that’s not as simple as it seems, and only the power of secrets can save them. The dungeon has traps, ambushes, and were-rats, but also politics, privileges, and seeds of a revolution. It really shouldn’t work, but somehow it does, and it’s both fun, exciting, and very entertaining.
Nomineret, Bedste Virkemidler
In the underground temple of the moon cult, secrets are valuable. And the more juicy they are, the bigger the reward. So unless the roles want to die horribly in the clever dungeon traps, they have to share their secrets and in that way change the story.
Nomineret, Bedste Roller
The standard D&D characters get an extra layer when the privileged and depraved merchant heirs travel into the cage of secrets, and suddenly it’s revealed that even their class is a lie. It takes more than dice rolls to make it past the dungeon traps, but what will the consequences be when they reveal their secrets?
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