At Være eller ikke At Være
(AKA: To Be or Not to Be)
✏️ | Mikkel Bækgaard |
Scenariet [dansk] | (11,6 MB) |
En gruppe venners selvopfundne spil med roller eskalerer til et højspændt drama, da den mystiske Victor begynder at tage styringen. En prætentiøs metakomedie om store følelser og drømmen om alle de tomrum, fiktionen måske kan fylde ud for os.
Åh, Aronika, hvorfor er du Aronika? Og hvorfor er jeg kun Lea. Hvorfor er det kun i Elenas skikkelse, at jeg sammen med dig kan gå forrest i kampen mod Vicious, kongen, og alt det, som spillet byder os? Hvorfor vil du aldrig kunne sige, at det er mig Lea, og ikke Elena, du skal møde i elskovs stund? Hvorfor er du blot en figur skabt til fantasiens rige?
Fem unge venner i en lille provinsby har opfundet et særligt spil, hvor de gennem flere år har spillet roller og deltaget i storladne intriger. Det hele eskalerer, da den mystiske Victor kommer med i spillet og begynder at tage kontrollen. For i hans victorianske villa bliver alting sat på spidsen, efterhånden som virkelige drifter, følelser og personlige dagsordener trænger mere og mere ind i det ellers så virkelighedsfjerne spil.
At være eller ikke at være er et højstemt drama om identitet, indlevelse og det at lede efter sit virkelige jeg dybt inde i fiktionens verden. Stemningen i scenariet er på overfladen svulstig og alvorlig, for rollerne tager sig selv og deres spil lige seriøst, som kun ægte lidende unge sjæle kan. Men scenariet er ikke kun tungt og højtravende. Det har også en komisk og satirisk overtone, hvor det hele gerne må kamme over. Ja, faktisk er det helt ok, at det kommer helt derud, hvor kandelabrene blafrer, spejlbilleder brister og sjæle krænges helt derud, hvor de ikke kan krænges tilbage igen.
Højspændt drama
Spillertype: Du elsker at spille store følelser, og vil gerne give den så meget gas, at det næsten bliver for meget. Du er ikke bange for at skifte mellem scenariets virkelighedslag og spillet-i-spillet. Forvent, at det bliver forvirrende, vanvittigt og alt for meget på den helt rigtige måde
Spilledertype: Du elsker at sætte en stemning og puste til rollernes følelser og intriger. Som spilleder skal du styre en – indrømmet – lidt indviklet metahistorie, der dog langt hen ad vejen er sat i pre-definerede scener. Du skal også holde af at spille den centrale biperson Victor, som spillerne dog også får mere og mere kontrol over.
A group of friends have made up their own game in which they play roles. It escalates into a highly bombastic drama when the mysterious Victor joins the game and starts to take control of it. A pretentious meta comedy about big emotions and all the emptiness that
Oh, Aronika, why art thou Aronika? And why is it that I am only Lea? And why is it that I only in the role of Elena can be with you, leadint the fight against Vicious, the king, and everything the game sends in our way? Why is it that you never will be able to say that it’s I, Lea, and not Elena, you will meet in the hour of love. Why is it that you are just an imaginary figure made up to live in the realms of fantasy?
Five young friends living in a small provincial town have made up a special game in which they for several years have been taking on roles to play out grand intrigues and dramas. When the mysterious Victor joins the game it all escalates as he begins to take control. In his huge Victorian mansion everything is at stake while real life urges, emotions, and personal agendas begin to enter the, otherwise totally attached from the real world, game.
To be or not to be is a bombastic drama about identity, immersion and the search for the real essence of oneself hidden deep within the world of fiction. At first, the mood of the game seems pompous and very serious. That comes down to the fact that the characters take themselves and their game as deeply seriously as only intensely suffering young souls can do. But the game is not only heavy and bombastic. It also has a comical and satirical tone to it, making it totally ok for everything to be way over the top. As a matter of fact, it is totally ok to escalate it all the way to where the chandeliers are flickering heavily, reflections in mirrors are broken apart, and souls are torn all the way to where they cannot be torn back.
Bombastic drama
Roleplaying satire
Player types: You love playing out huge emotions and you won’t stop even when it almost becomes too much. Changing between the reality level of the game and the game-in-the-game doesn’t scare you. Then you can expect quite a confusing, crazy and way too much – of course in the very best of ways – experience.
Gamemaster type: You love setting the mood of the game while pushing the character’s emotions and intrigues to the max. As game master your task is to keep track of an – I must admit – a bit complicated meta story. It is, though, set mainly in pre-defined scenes making it manageable after all. Finally, you should like playing Victor, a central supporting character, who the players, by the way, gets more and more control over during the game.
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