Voyagers: a larp duet
System: LARP
✏️ | Margo Gray |
Scenariet [engelsk] | (0,1 MB) |
Styles of Play: Freeform larp, Larp, Chat/Message, Music-based
Voyagers is a long-distance larp for two that explores connection, the possibility of change, and the power of music. In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager satellites, each containing a golden record with audio greetings from the people of Earth, images of Earth life, and musical selections. These messages were sent in the hope that some traveller might find them. Said the recorded message from the Secretary General of the UN, “We step out of our solar system into the universe… to teach if we are called upon, to be taught if we are fortunate.” You are a scientist who has discovered a small, temporary hole between universes. You have a chance to make contact with a version of yourself from another universe, but the ways in which you can communicate are limited. Using questions and musical selections, you will communicate with your parallel self and try to derive some comfort or wisdom from another life lived.
Tags: parallel universes, music, connection
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