Deltagere: 4 spillere
Pax Meier |
Tag kontrol over en af fire individuelle og unikke magtfaktorer i Capital. Søg magten i et spil om ressourcer og økonomi, hvor du skal bruge hver en mulighed for at komme forrest. Kom ind i karakter og spil det brutale militær, den mystiske bank, den organiserede population, eller de grådige handelsfolk alt imens du laver og bryder alliancer igennem generationerne. I Capital er samarbejde umuligt at undgå, og umuligt at holde ved.
Capital er essentielt et spil om at håndtere og skaffe ressourcer imellem 4 spillere. Den unikke faktor ligger i den voldsomme asymmetri indbygget i spillernes motivationer og evner, sammen og individuelt.
Mens kortet og dets territorier bliver mere og mere complexe som spillet skrider fremad, ændrer de grundlæggende evner i hver spillers fraktion sig aldrig. Hver fraktion har sit eget handlingsbræt med 6 handlinger, de kan tage. Nogle fraktioner har også yderligere individuelle evner.
Militæret er de eneste der kan skaffe nye territorier, og kan oven i købet tvinge andre spillere til at tage handlinger eller bytte. På grund af disse evner er militæret en interessant fraktion at spille for spillere der kan føle sig hjemme i at være ‘den onde’, og vil bruge deres ressourcer til at mobbe såvel som at lave alliancer.
Populationen står alene i deres nær-monopol på befolkningsressourcer, der behøves af både militæret og handelsfolket. Populationen vinder i sidste ende ved at have skaffet sig mange af forskellige ressourcer, og har i løbet af spillet den bedste mulighed for at skabe de dødsbringene oprør. Med disse evner er populationen let at spille for alle typer spillere, og kan positionere sig selv enten som centerpunktet i spillets politik, eller som en velovervejet observatør.
Handelsfolket indkasserer i hver runde alle ressourcerne på kortet, og placerer sig selv derved som en naturlig del af alt handel og diskussion rundt om bordet. Handelsfolket opbygger i løbet af spillet en essentiel flexibilitet, og er igennem deres teknologi-kort og handelsruter den bedste kilde til udvikling i spillet. De er bedst spillet af spillere der kan håndtere ressourcer, samtale og bytning, da de ikke spiller godt alene.
Sidst men aldrig mindst ligger banken som den primære kilde til guld. Ved at funde andre spillere til at opfylde deres investeringskort kan de balancere spillet mens det går, og sikre sig at en eneste spiller ikke skrider for meget frem- ud over banken selv, selvfølgelig. Hvis spillet stangerer og handel bryder ned kan banken stadig tjene penge og point, så de spilles godt af observante spillere med god tålmodighed og bedere overblik.
Varighed: 2-3 timer
Take control of one of four distinct and unique factions in Capital. Vie for power in a game of cutthroat economics and politics, and leverage your every advantage to push ahead. Get into character as the oppressive military, mysterious bank, organized populace, or greedy merchants as you make and break alliances through the generations. In Capital, cooperation is inevitable, but so is its collapse.
Capital is at its core a game of resource management among four players. What makes it unique is the large amount of asymmetry between what players can do and what they want to achieve, both together and individually.
While the map and its territories are going to get more complex as the game goes on, the base capacities and abilities of each player never do. Each faction has its own action board that lists the six actions that faction can take, as well as any other mechanics it might have in play.
The military is the only faction with the capacity to capture new land, and it’s the only faction that can outright force others to do its bidding. In this, the military is an engaging faction for players who feel at home while being the bad guy, using their resources to bully as much as they make alliances.
The populace stands alone in its large amount of population resources, which are needed by both the merchants and the military. The population seeks to gather resources of various types and hoard them, and has leverage over others in its easy control over the crippling revolts. As such, the population are easy and satisfying to play for everyone, and can play well both as the center of politics and diplomacy or as a reserved, careful factor.
The merchants harvest all the resources on the map, and as such place themselves as a natural conduit for trade and communication. The hand of the merchants guide the flow of trade with their opportunity deck adding unparalleled flexibility to their resources. The merchants are best played by someone who manages resources and trading well, as they don’t play well alone.
Finally, the bank is the main source of money for the economy of Capital. By funding operations to fit the hidden investments they place at the start of each generation, they can be an extra weight on the scale to balance otherwise uneven games. If the game stagnates, the bank still profits. As such, the bank is at once a careful observer as well as the inevitable victor if the game goes long.
Duration: 2-3 timer
Spillet på
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022) |
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
Vinder, Bedste Innovation
The game is nominated for a design that delivers four very different game experiences in one package. The four factions of the game are forced to cooperate to reach their individual and sometimes contradictory goals. All player actions are intwined in a tight machine where your political intrigue game can easily turn things into a complicated Gordic knot. The Bank focuses on its intrigues while the Populace revolts and the Military desperately asks the Merchants for more ressources to wage war.
Nomineret, Deltagernes Pris, Brætspil (Delt tredjeplads)
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