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Forest Run

Forside til Forest Run

Deltagere: 2-4 spillere


DesignerNikolaj H. Christensen
DesignerKenneth Lenander


PDF Regler [engelsk] (6,7 MB)


Skovens dyr er mødt op for at deltage i det store skovløb – Forest Run.
Men der er et twist – du bliver det ‘hurtigste dyr i skoven’ hvis du krydser målstregen først,
men for at vinde skal du samle flest grankogler og point på vejen dertil.

FOREST RUN er et tile-laying spil, hvor alle spillere tager deres tur samtidig, og skal bygge løbe-stier gennem skoven ved at placere tiles (brikker) på deres personlige spilleplade. Det lyder næsten for simpelt, men spillets fysiske begrænsninger ved at skulle placere 2 brikker hver runde på et meget begrænset område skaber en masse udfordringer og kræver fremadrettet tænkning.

Du påtager dig rollen som et af skovens dyr, der deltager i Forest Run skovløbet. Hver spiller har deres egen spilleplade, som repræsenterer væddeløbsbanen i skoven. Spillepladen består af 4 felter i et 2×2 mønster i midten omgivet af 8 checkpoints. Målet med spillet er at lave ruter mellem 7 checkpoints ved at placere brikker og samtidig score flest point før spillet slutter. Men vælg din vej med omtanke – den korteste rute giver dig måske ikke flest point, til gengæld kan spillet, hvis du kommer for langt bagud, være slut, før du ved af det.

På plads, klar, parat, start!
Alle spillere tager ture samtidig. Som spiller trækker du 2 brikker fra en af stakkene med brikker. Du beholder den ene brik og sender den anden videre med forsiden nedad til spilleren på din venstre side.

Det interessante dilemma er hvilken brik skal du beholde? Beholder du brikken der giver dig 2 point, eller beholder du den som giver 0 point, men som har en løbe-sti der vil få dig til at nå det næste checkpoint? Du vil ofte føle dig begejstret over at have lavet en perfekt rute ved hjælp af din første brik, kun for at opdage, at når du placerer den anden brik, ødelægger det dine planer.

Når der er oprettet forbindelse mellem to checkpoints, flytter du din spillebrik hen over løberuten til det nye checkpoint, og derefter samles de brikker du er løbet hen over. Dem beholder du til scoringsfasen i slutningen af spillet. En brik med en grankogle er 2 point værd og en uden er 1 point værd.

Når en spiller når det sidste checkpoint (og får 2 bonus point), får alle lov til at afslutte deres nuværende tur, og så slutter spillet.

Vinderen af Skovløbet – ​​Forest Run er spilleren med flest point til slut.

Vi ses ved startblokken!

Varighed: 20-30 min

Woodland creatures big and small have gathered in the center of the forest to take part in the great ‘FOREST RUN’.
This is a race with a twist – you want to be the ‘fastest animal in the forest’ and the first to cross the finish line,
but to win, you must gather the most pine cones and points on the way there.

FOREST RUN is a tile-laying path-building game with simultaneous turns for 2-4 players (4+ with extra components) that plays in about 20-30 minutes. Placing tiles on a 2×2 grid seems almost too simple but it actually creates a lot of puzzly restrictions that challenges and rewards forward thinking.

You take on the role of woodland creatures participating in the Forest Run. Each player has their own player board representing the forest race track with a 2×2 grid in the middle surrounded by 8 checkpoints. The goal of the game is to make routes between 7 checkpoints by placing tiles and to score the most points before the game ends. But choose your path wisely – the shortest route may not give you the most points, on the other hand if you fall too far behind, the race could be over before you know it.

On your mark, ready, set, go!
Each round players take turns simultaneously. As a player you draw 2 tiles from the shared tile deck, inspect both tiles – keep one tile and pass the other, face down, to the player on your left.

This presents a dilemma – which tile to keep and to pass on – the tile that gives you 2 points, or the tile with a path that will make you reach the next checkpoint but gives you zero points? You will often feel excited having made a perfect path using your first tile, only to find that when you place the second tile it messes up your plans.

Once all players have passed a tile, you are allowed to place the tile you kept onto your player board, followed by the tile received from the player on your right, in that specific order.

Tiles must be placed on the center grid on the player board from one of the four sides (North, East, South, West) following the direction of the arrow on the tile. At certain checkpoints a random obstacle token has to be placed on your player board blocking one of the sides (N, E, S, W) prohibiting you from placing tiles from that side until you reach the next checkpoint.

When a connection is made between two checkpoints, move your player token across the tiles to the new checkpoint, then collect the traversed tiles and keep them for the point scoring phase. A tile with a pine cone is worth 2 points and one without is worth 1 point.

When a player reaches the last checkpoint (scoring 2 bonus points) the race is over and everyone is allowed to finish their current turn and then the game ends.

The winner of the Forest Run will be the player with the most points at the end of the game. If there is a tie, the player who came first wins the tie.

See you at the starting block!

Duration: 20-30 min

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Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)

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