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Feasting Fiends

Vorderseite für Feasting Fiends

(Alias: PCB)

Teilnehmer: 2 Spieler


DesignerInKristian Karlberg
DesignerInKenny Zetterberg


PDF Regeln [Englisch] (30,8 MB)


Monstre fra hele verden er kommet for at spise på din kro. Byd monstrene til bords og giv dem mad for at få deres taknemmelighed!
Den spiller, der har optjent mest taknemmelighed, når bordet er fyldt, vinder spillet!

Feasting Fiends er et abstrakt spil for 2 personer, hvor spillerne serverer mad og placerer monstre (gæster) ved et bord i kroen. Spillerne scorer taknemmelighedspoint for at placere monstre ved bordet og give det den type mad der er vist i monstrets taleboble.

Hvis en spiller formår at flytte rundt på madretterne, så monstrets ønsker passer perfekt (rækkefølge og type) med maden på bordet, så får spilleren en fordelagtig bonus!

Kroen vil blive besøgt af fire forskellige slags monstre, der hver især favoriserer en bestemt type mad. Monstrets farve er signifikant, for når et perfekt match opstår, bliver denne farve monster vendt og viser et point-symbol, hvilket øger den opnåede taknemmelighed for enhver fremtidig score for den pågældende mad.

Som spillet skrider frem, vil værdien af ​​visse madretter svinge, hvilket giver spillerne flere taknemmelighedspoint. Spillerne skal dog forsøge at imødekomme behovene hos alle de fire forskellige typer monstre, for i slutningen af ​​spillet tjener spillerne en større slutspilbonus, hvis de har tjent deres taknemmelighed fra alle slags.

Spillet slutter, når bordet ikke længere kan rumme flere madretter. Spilleren med mest taknemmelighed erklæres vinder af Feasting Fiends.

Gameplay fungerer sådan, at hver spiller har fire actionkort til deres rådighed. Alle handlinger på kort tilføjer mad til bordet. Hver gang en handling er udført, er kortet brugt og kan ikke bruges igen, før spillerne vælger at opdatere den ved at skabe et perfekt match med et monster eller ved at bruge det specielle opdateringshandlingskort.

Med nogle handlinger kan man spille kort og forsøge at matche madretterne så godt som muligt, og dermed tjene taknemmelighedspoint. Andre handlinger gør det muligt at trække nye kort op eller manipulere terninger på bordet.

Monsters from all around the world have come to dine in your tavern. Seat the fiends, and feed them to earn their gratitude!
The player who has earned the most gratitude when the table is full will be declared the winner!

Feasting Fiends is an abstract 2-player game where players will be serving food and seating Fiends (guests) by a table in your tavern. Players score gratitude points for seating fiends by the table, matching foods with whatever is depicted inside the fiend’s speech bubble.

If a player manages to manipulate the foods so that the fiends desire perfectly matches (order and type) the foods on the table, the player will gain a beneficial bonus!

The tavern will be visited by four differently colored types of fiends, each favoring a specific type of food. The fiend’s color is significant, for when a perfect match occurs, that fiend will become flipped, showing a VP symbol, increasing the gained gratitude for any future scoring of that particular food.

As the game progresses, the value of certain foods will fluctuate, earning the players more gratitude. However, players must attempt to meet the needs of the four different types, for, at the end of the game, players will earn a bigger end game bonus if they have earned their gratitude from all kinds of fiends.

The game ends when the table can no longer fit any more foods. The player with the most gratitude is declared the winner of Feasting Fiends.

Gameplay works in such a way that each player has four action cards at their disposal. Each of the actions will always add food to the table. Whenever an action has been used, it is exhausted and cannot be used again until the players choose to refresh it by making a perfect match with a fiend or using the specific refresh action card.

Some of the actions will also let players play Fiend-Cards from their hands, trying to match the foods as well as possible and earn the players the gratitude needed to win the game. Other actions will let players draw new Fiend-cards to their hands or manipulate cubes on the table.

Hier gespielt worden

Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
GothCon XLIV (2021)


Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)

Gewinner, Bedste Innovation
Nomineres for brugen af dets "food line," og de simple men alligevel komplekse handlinger der manipulerer den. Det at spille Feasting Fiends er som at lære at spille et instrument med kun fire toner, men hvor tingene ikke har lyst til at spille sammen, og hvert træk kan ende i mislyd. Det du står tilbage med, er et væld af strategier og kædereaktioner, der gør ondt helt ind i spillernes hjerner, på den fede måde.

Is nominated for its use of the food line, and the simple, yet complicated actions that manipulate it. Playing Feasting Fiends is like learning to play a musical instrument with only four keys, yet the food line just doesn't want to play nice and every action can feel like the wrong note. What you are left with is a plethora of strategies and chain reactions that hurt the players' brains, in a good way.
Nominiert, Bedste Brætspil
I Feasting Fiends bygger man et bånd af madvarer, der skal fodre en gruppe notorisk kræsne monstre. Med kun fire mulige handlinger på et givet tidspunkt, starter tingene simpelt nok, men snart viser mekanikerne sig at være djævelsk komplicerede. Og tingene bliver ikke lettere af, at din modstander også manipulerer det samme bånd og bliver ved med at kaste enorme mængder grus i maskineriet. Den bedste slags frustration, men samtidigt giver det også mulighed for en himmelsk følelse når det hele lige præcis passer sammen i et enkelt perfekt træk.

In Feasting Fiends, you construct a food line to feed a group of notoriously picky fiends. With only four available actions at any time, things start out simple and are easy to get into, but soon the machine turns out to be devilishly complicated, and things aren't helped by your opponent who is also manipulating the same food line, constantly throwing a wrench in your otherwise well laid out plans. The best kind of frustrating fun, but also that superb sense of satisfaction, when it all lines up for that one, perfect move.



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