Riding Shotgun
Teilnehmer: 4, 6 or 8
Søren Brandborg | |
Mark Elsdon |
Regeln [Englisch] | (8,8 MB) |
Riding Shotgun er et holdbaseret spil med dristige banditter og garvede vagter, der kæmper i en hektisk plyndring af guld fra en diligence på de svedne sletter i det gamle Vesten. Taktisk brug af kort, effektivt teamwork og modige bluff er nødvendig for at se dit hold sejre og ride triumferende ud i solnedgangen.
I Riding Shotgun har to hold af spillere hver deres roller. De spiller enten som vagter, der forsøger at eskortere en diligence fyldt med guld sikkert til storbyen, eller som banditter, der ønsker at gennemføre det perfekte røveri og slippe væk med guldet.
Vagterne kan vinde ved at såre banditterne så meget, at de må stikke halen mellem benene og flygter, eller ved at forsvare sig længe nok til, at diligencen når frem til banken. I mellemtiden kan banditterne forsøge at stoppe diligencen helt med taktisk brug af dynamit eller bruge deres lassoer til at få fat i alle poserne med guld fra vagterne!
I hver tur holder spillerne en hånd med kort, hvorfra de skal kassere ét. Det kasserede kort bestemmer spillernes rækkefølge. Det kasserede kort bliver nu tilgængelige til brug på modstandernes hold, så der skal træffes omhyggelige beslutninger fra starten. I en spillers tur kan de bruge deres kort til at skyde fjender, kaste dynamit, lasso guld eller forsvare sig mod fjendens angreb. Derudover skal der i hver handling spilles et kort med billedsiden nedad, så der vil være rig mulighed for at bluffe og mod-bluffe hinanden. I slutningen af turen bestemmer de kasserede kort, der er tilbage på bordet, om diligencen hæver eller sænker farten, hvilket tilføjer endnu et spændende lag af taktik i spillet.
Spillerne har også et begrænset antal reaktions-kort, som kan bruges i vigtige øjeblikke til at forhindre et afgørende angreb, hjælpe en allieret eller genvinde tiltrængt styrke, som går tabt, når en spiller ikke kan forsvare et angreb eller bliver fanget i et bluff. Den rigtige brug af reaktions-kort på et vigtigt tidspunkt, kan måske vende spillet til jeres fordel.
Riding Shotgun er et tempofyldt spil med teamwork, bluffing og vigtige beslutninger. I sidste ende kommer det hold, der kan koordinere sine handlinger bedst, ud som vindere!
Riding Shotgun is a team-based game of bold bandits and grizzled guards battling it out in a frantic stagecoach raid on the sun-bleached plains of the Old West. Tactical card play, clever teamwork and shrewd bluffing will be needed to see your team triumph, riding off victoriously into the sunset.
In Riding Shotgun, two teams of players take on opposing roles, as guards trying to escort a stagecoach loaded with gold safely to the big city, or bandits looking to pull off the perfect raid and get away with all the loot.
The guards can win by shooting up the bandits so badly that they turn tail and flee, or by defending themselves long enough that the stagecoach reaches the end of the trail. Meanwhile, the bandits can try and stop the stage altogether with dynamite, or use their lassos to grab all the bags of gold from under the guard’s noses!
Each turn, players hold a hand of cards, from which they must discard one. This discarded card determines the order that players take actions, and becomes available for use to the opposing team, so careful decisions need to be made from the get go. On a player’s activation they can use their cards to shoot enemies, throw dynamite, lasso gold or defend against enemy attacks. Additionally, every action involves one card being played face down, so opportunities to bluff and counterbluff abound. At the end of the turn, the discarded cards left on the table determine whether the stagecoach speeds up or slows down, adding another layer of intrigue to the gameplay.
Players also have a limited number of intervention cards, which can be used at key moments to prevent a crucial attack, assist an ally or regain much-needed grit points, which are lost when a player takes a hit or is caught bluffing. The right intervention at a key moment might just swing the game in your favour.
Riding Shotgun is a fast-paced game of teamwork, bluffing and tense decision making. Ultimately, the team that can co-ordinate its actions the best will come out on top!
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Gewinner, Bedste Brætspil
The stagecoach is filled to the brim with gold. The bandits give chase, and the guards frantically try to stop them. This is a fully realized western fantasy, with an abundance of thematic elements, all tightly integrated with the overarching concept and story. Each of the two teams must coordinate their plans, but the other team hears everything, and this creates numerous opportunities for counterplay. Building onto this, a central bluff-mechanic makes you question the bandit's attack against you. But are you ready to call it? When the consequences of doing so, might be more disastrous than the attack.
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