Tingene i min fars hus
(Alias: The Things in My Father's House)
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3 Spieler
✏️ | Ann Kristine Eriksen |
Szenario [Dänisch] | (1,9 MB) |
Tre voksne søstre rydder sammen i ud deres fars hus, proppet til randen med alle de ting, han i sin samlermani, har hoardet gennem deres barndom. Under skraldet gemmer sig minder om svigt, men også håb om forsoning og fornyet søsterskab.
”For dem er det stadig et barndomshjem. Midt på den ellers pæne, velfriserede villavej, står ét hus der er ved at sprænge sine egne rammer. Det flyder ud på gaden med ting, skrald og skrammel. Aviser og reklameblade fra gulv til loft samlet gennem årtier. Foliebakker med oldgamle madrester ligger blandet med familiefotos, enlige vanter og trist legetøj. Minder og affald i en uoverskuelig pærevælling. Deres far er død, men tingene er der stadig.”
Tingene i min fars hus er et kitchen-sink drama om tre søstre. Fortællingen klipper mellem nutiden, hvor søstrene sammen rydder op i deres fars hoarder-hus, og fortiden, som sætter fokus på gode og dårlige barndomsminder i et kaotisk hjem. Scenariet består både af samtalespil mellem rollerne og fortællerelementer, hvor spillerne sammen skaber husets udseende og tingenes betydning.
I centrum af scenariet er forholdet mellem søstrene, og dramaet er drevet af rollerenes traumer, uoverensstemmelser og deres meget forskellige forhold til ting.
Three adult sisters are cleaning out their father’s messy house, a man who suffered from Compulsive Hoarding Disorder throughout their childhood. In the endless piles of seemingly rubbish they discover old memories of neglect and trauma but also hope for reconciliation and a renewed sense of sisterhood.
”To them it is still a childhood home. In the otherwise well-trimmed suburban street one house is ready to burst. It is overflown with things and rubbish and trash. Newspapers and old magazines are pilled high to the ceiling. Cans of ancient food lies mixed in between family albums, solitary gloves and sad looking toys. Memories and garbage all indistinguishable. Their dad may be gone but the things are still here.”
The Things in My fathers House is a kitchensink-drama about three sisters. The narrative shifts between the present, where sisters are cleaning up their childhood home, and the past, focusing on god and bad memories of a childhood in a chaotic home. The scenario is composed of conversation roleplay, where the characters talk through scenes, and narration mechanics where participants co-create the visuality of the house and the meaning of the things.
The core of the scenario is the relationship between the three sisters and the drama is fueled by their disagreements, their traumas and their very different approaches to things.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Gewinner, Bedste Roller
Three credible and very different sisters that we can both relate to and care for must overcome childhood traumas while cleaning house after their deceased father. The characters carry the entire narrative and are built on the central theme of the scenario. They are offered to the players with effective and relevant role-playing advice and well-written prose.
Nominiert, Deltagernes Pris (Delt andenplads)
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