Glamourous Night
(Alias: Blændværksnat)
System: Ars Magica Setting
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 8-40 Spieler
✏️ | Jon Cole |
Be-Con (2018), Residence Inn by Marriott Chicago O'Hare, Rosemont, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten
Jon Cole | |
Cat Stuntebeck |
Szenario [Englisch] | (4,9 MB) |
I de oldgamle, næsten glemte tider hvirvler troldvæsner hjælpeløse rundt i riger af musik og magi. Tragisk er det, at disse troldfolk, feer, mennesker og fabeldyr ikke selv ser at de allerede har magten til at ændre sig selv. For at tage kontrol over deres skrøbelige situation dominerer hver gruppe på skift de andres tanker, hver gang mere nedrigt end før. Tankekontrol skader både den bundne og binderen, men begge har en chance for at læges. I sidste ende kan kun Sand Kærlighed frelse dem og bryde deres bånd. Vil de ønske at flygte, når de får chancen?
Blændværksnat handler om at såre andre, og om at få chancen for at rette op på sig selv. Det er et abstrakt, hovedsageligt non-verbalt spil til musik. Spillerne bruger to bevægelses-teknikker til at løse deres karakterers konflikter: gensidig trolddom og tankekontrol. Spillerne vil være på fødderne og i bevægelse gennem det meste af to timers workshop og 90 minutters spil.
Settingen er Ars Magica, men forhåndsviden er unødvendig.
In the old, old, half forgotten times, magical beings spin helplessly through realms of music and magic. Tragic are they! These wizards, fae, humans, and magical animals do not see that they already possess the power to change themselves. To take control of their vulnerable situation, each group dominates the minds of the others in turn, each more wickedly than the last. Mind control scars both the bound and the bonder, but each has a chance to heal. In the end, only True Love can redeem them and break their bonds. When they have the chance to escape, will they want to?
Glamourous Night is about hurting others, and having a chance to redeem yourself. It is an abstract, mostly non-verbal game that is played to music. Players use two movement techniques to resolve their character’s conflicts: mutual spellcasting and mind control. Players will be on their feet and moving during most of the two hour workshop and the 90 minute game. The setting is Ars Magica, but no lore is needed to play.
Hier gespielt worden
Be-Con (2018) | |
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021) |
♻ | Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022) |
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