Trolls from the Mist
Teilnehmer: 1-2 Spieler
Michael Lindgaard Sørensen |
Tågen kommer nærmere og nærmere. Trampelyde, grynt og brøl fylder den ellers så stille by med frygt. Hvad mon tågen gemmer på?
I dette tower defence inspireret spil, tager man rollen som enten kongen af menneskenes by, eller alpha trolden. Det gælder om for kongen at beskytte byen ved hjælp af, at samle viden om den nye fjende, og opbygge et forsvar af mure, tårne, katapulter, fælder mm. I dække af en tyk og drivende tåge skal alpha trolden prøve, at manøvrere sine svært uintelligente trolde frem mod byen, så den kan overtage landet, og blive den ultimative alpha.
Spillemetoden for de to roller er asymmetriske, og afspejler forskellen på troldene og menneskene i dette spil. Troldene er store og kluntede, og drives kun af de basale lyster og simple ordre, hvorimod menneskene som er tilpasningsdygtige og kan forstå en avanceret ordre og dens mening.
Trods forskelle, er der også ligheder. Både kongens og alpha troldens træk, symboliseres ved brikker, som trækkes fra en pose, og derefter placeres på spillepladen. Den store kunst i spillet er derfor, at styre posens indhold bedst muligt, så sandsynligheden for at trække de rigtige brikker på de rigtige tidspunkter er størst.
The mist is getting closer and closer. Tramp sounds, grunts and roars fill the city with fear. What is inside the mist?
In this tower defense inspired game, you take on the role of either the king of the city of men, or the alpha troll. The king’s mission is to protect the city by gathering knowledge of the unknown enemy and to build a defense of walls, towers, catapults, traps and more. In the protection of the thick and drifting mist, the alpha troll must try to maneuver its unintelligent trolls towards the city, so that it can take over the land and become the ultimate alpha.
The playing method of the two roles is asymmetrical and reflects the difference between the trolls and the humans in the game. The trolls are big and clumsy, and are driven only by their basic desires and simple commands, whereas the people are adaptable and able to understand advanced commands and the meaning of them.
Despite differences, there are similarities as well. The commands of the king and the alpha troll are both symbolized by tiles which is drawn from a bag and then placed on the board. The art of the game is therefore to control the contents of the bag as best as possible, so that the odds of pulling the right pieces at the right time is most likely.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) |
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
Nominiert, Bedste Innovation
In Trolls from the Mist the mist slowly moves closer to the human town and out of the fog the trolls emerges. In this two player game the players take on either the role as the alfa-troll or the human king. The two factions fight for power and survival in this asymmetrical game, where the factions feel very different even though they use the same mechanics. Throughout the game the players draw tiles from a bag and for that reason you try to control the content so the bag always contains exactly what you need.
Trolls from the Mist is nominated for the dynamic game board where the mist-board slowly moves further and further over the main board. The game runs fluently and quickly and the two factions feel both different and balanced.
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