The Machine
Kasper Lapp |
The Machine - rules [Englisch] | (0,9 MB) |
En gruppe fabriksarbejdere er sat til at bygge den maskine, der skal erstatte dem. En spiller er manageren, som skal færdiggøre maskinen i tide, de andre skal sørge for at det ikke sker – eller fedte sig til at blive managerens favorit, for hvis maskinen bliver færdig, beholder kun en arbejder sit job.
Som arbejder skal du balancere på en knivsæg: Hvis du er for doven, straffer manageren dig. Hvis du er for flittig straffer fagforeningen (de andre arbejdere) dig.
Som manager spiller du et worker placement spil, hvor dine meeples er levende spillere, som ikke altid gør, hvad der bliver sagt.
Mekanikker: Semi-cooperative, voting, simultaneous action selection
Tema: Industri
A group of factory workers are building a machine that is supposed to replace them. One player will be the manager, who needs it to finish on time, the other players will be workers who need it to fail.
A group of factory workers are building a machine that is supposed to replace them. One player will be the manager, who needs it to finish on time, the other players will be workers who need it to fail – or brownnose their way to become the manager’s favorite, because if the machine finishes, only one worker will keep his job.
As a worker you have to walk a very thin line: If you are too lazy, the manager will punish you. If you are too compliant, the labor union (the other workers) will punish you.
As a manager, you are playing a worker-placement game, where the meeples are actual players who wont always do as they are told.
Mechanics: Semi-cooperative, voting, simultaneous action selection
Theme: Industrial
About the designer: Kasper Lapp is a board game designer from Copenhagen. He previously designed Magic Maze for Fastaval 2015 – the game has since been nominated for Spiel des Jahres 2017 and won the Danish “Guldbrikken” for the best family game 2018.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) | |
♲ | Aarhus Brætspilsfestival (2020) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Nominiert, Bedste Brætspil
The Machine nomineres for stærkt spildesign, der resulterer i et spil der er både nemt og logisk at gå til. Spillet formår at skabe en følelse af at være fanget som arbejder i en utilgiveligt og uretfærdigt trædemølle, der for de fleste slutter med den mest ulykkelige slutning og et endnu større had til maskinen der sendte dem derhen.
At the factory the manager controlled by one of the players try to complete The Machine. The other players are the hardworking (or not so hardworking) labourers who try their best to avoid being fired by the manager or the union or perhaps even work hard enough to get a promotion.
Each round the manager puts the workers on different tasks that they can choose to complete more or less after which they he can deal out punishments and rewards.
The Machine is nominated for a strong game-design, which results in a game that is both easy and logical to play. The game manages to capture the feeling of being a worker trapped in an unforgiving and unjust treadmill, which for the most ends in an unhappy ending, with an even bigger hatred to the machine that caused it.
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