Old Friends
Genre: Drama, Gyser
Teilnehmer: 5 Spieler
✏️ | Ole Peder Giæver |
✏️ | Jason Morningstar |
Szenario [Englisch] | (3,3 MB) |
Back in the ‘90’s you were a team. You hunted ghosts together. You used an ancient technique that reliably bridged two worlds, and you put a lot of souls to rest.
Like any team you were a mess of individual flaws, contradictions and rivalry, but it worked.
It worked until one of you died.
It happened at a haunted school, back in ’96. Seemed like a routine investigation at first; turned into your worst job ever.
And that was it. You were done. Disbanded after the criminal investigation. The authorities filed the death away as “natural causes”. You all knew better, but kept your mouths shut. What choice did you have?
And now here you are: The same school, the same classroom. Renovated, painted, bright. The past has brought you back together. Together for that one last job.
The game runs like a larp, but with your regular clothes. There is no GM or scene structure. The classroom at the festival represents the classroom in the game. Some cards will help focus play. And there is a special mask for contacting ghosts.
«For 20 år siden var dere en gruppe spøkelsesjegere, til noe forferdelig hendte med Sara. Nå har fortiden innhentet dere, og dere er igjen samlet på skolen der alt skjedde sommeren 1996...»
Old Friends er en minilaiv for fire-seks deltakere, inkludert instruktør (som også spiller med). Laiven benytter en maske inspirert av improteater for å "kontakte åndene", og kort som gir inspirasjon underveis.
Spilltid ca tre-fire timer (inkludert oppvarming og regelforklaring). Etter oppvarming kjører det uten spilleder (alle har roller).
Stemningen ligger nærmere «The Excorcist» enn «Ghostbusters».
Skrevet av Jason Morningstar og Ole Peder Giæver for danske Fastaval. Nominert til "Otto-prisen" for beste roller, effekter og presentasjon.
Vi har plass til tre grupper med 4-6 spillere i hver.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval (2016) | |
♻ | ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016) |
♻ | Black Box Horsens (2017) |
Sonstige Abwicklungen
1. April 2017 | Modena, Italien: Play: Festival del Gioco |
Fastaval (2016)
Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
Nominiert, Bedste Roller
Nominiert, Bedste Virkemidler
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