Påske - en tragedie
(Alias: Easter - a Tragedy)
Genre: Novellescenarie
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 4 Spieler
✏️ | Tim Slumstrup Aunkilde |
Szenario [Dänisch] | (0,5 MB) | |
Szenario [Englisch] | (0,7 MB) |
Mia nedstirrede leverpostejen. Hun havde ingen anelse om hvad hun skulle sige. Hvordan skulle hun kunne stå der og virke glad og lykkelig, når hun kunne mærke hele verden falde sammen omkring hende? Mest af al havde hun lyst til at rejse sig, løfte sit glas og så skrige højt og længe. Hun ville fortælle far hvad hun virkelig mente om ham, fortælle om hvad Thais havde gjort, hvad hun virkeligt havde lavet og hvor stort et helvede de alle havde gjort hendes liv til og hvordan hun selv havde gjort det værre. Hun ville forsøge ikke at tude imens, men vidste også det ville være umuligt, ligesom hun vidste at mor ville begynde at græde, far ville gå amok og hun ville nok aldrig se Thais igen.
Mia flyttede sit blik fra leverpostejen og op på hendes familie, der alle sad spændte og ventede på hendes tale. Mia tog en dyb indånding, åd hendes had og fortvivlelse i sig for et kort øjeblik og løftede sit glas.
”Nu skal I høre om en dejlig ting der er sket for mig i år” startede hun.
Familien Hansen er ikke en lykkelig familie.
Scenariet omhandler en almindelig dansk familie, der mødes hver påske i en årrække. Det er et scenarie om fire ulykkelige menneskers desperate forsøg på at holde på deres familie. Et scenarie om traditioner. Et scenarie om at fastholde den gode stemning for enhver pris.
Maria starred at the paté. She had no idea what to say. How on earth would she manage to stand there and appear perfectly happy while she could feel her entire world crumple around her? Mostly she felt like standing up, raise her glass and just start to scream. Scream as long and as high as she possibly could. She wanted to throw all her loathing and all her anger against him right in his face. She wanted to tell him how she really felt towards him. She wanted to tell them all what Tim had done. Tell them what she herself had done and show them all what a living hell her life had become because of them. She would try not to cry while she would attack them with her fury and disgust, but she knew it would be impossible. She would start to cry just like mom always used to. Dad would go berserk, and she would probably never see Tim again.
Maria moved her eyes from the paté towards her family. They were all anxiously awaiting her speech. Maria stood up, raised her glass took a deep breath while eating her rage and despair, if only short while.
“Here is my speech about all the great and joyous things that happened to me during the last year.”
The Hansen family is not a happy family.
The scenario is about a small family that has secrets. The family meets once a year at Easter. It’s a story about four unhappy people who desperately tries to keep their family together. It’s a story about traditions. And it’s a story about keeping a positive mood at all times and at any price to avoid losing it all.
Disclaimer: Some mentioned characters in this scenario can seem caricatured and seem to portray people of certain genders, sex, religion or creed in a negative light. This should not be confused with the authors own conviction. But sometimes people are just unlucky and find one of the few people that enforce an unwanted prejudice.
Family – Repetition – Stagnation
A family of four only meet once a year for easter dinner. They all love each other, because that is what families do. Therefore they keep their secrets to themselves, because that is what families do. To save their faces and to save the family.
Through a series of yearly easter dinners, they desperate attempt to keep this up and the family together. They keep the mood nice and cozy. Established traditions are mandatory. No conflict or crisis since they could have disastrous consequences and break all family ties forever.
The characters will evolve over the years from sad to tragic figures in a game where they either keep their problems to themselves or they will be the catalyst to the destruction of their family. There can be no happy ending or relief.
Easter is a tragedy with absurdly humorous undertones.
Tim has written more scenarios for conventions than he has fingers. He has his comfort zone within the table based roleplaying scene but has ventured into the larping community on several occasions. In his everyday life Tim is an archeologist and biological anthropologist. He lives in Copenhagen with his wife and their cat. Tim loves to dance and sing and does both poorly.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval (2010) | |
♻ | Fastaval (2011) |
♻ | Grenselandet (2011) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2015) |
♻ | Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) |
Fastaval (2010)
Nominiert, Scenarieskrivningskonkurrencen (Tredjeplads)
Fastaval (2011)
Nominiert, Bedste Scenarie
Nominiert, Bedste Virkemidler
- Novellescenarie
- Oprindeligt skrevet til scenarieskrivningskonkurrencen på Fastaval 2010
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