Lost and Forgotten
System: Edge of the Empire
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3-5 Spieler
Miku Pesola |
It is a period of peace, thanks to the efforts of the Galactic Empire, and the almighty Emperor. But crime and corruption still fester on many worlds outside of the Empire’s reach. On one of these worlds, the Gul’daar Mining Company has arranged a secret meeting with a group of mercenaries, bandits and thieves, working in the shadows of the Outer Rim. The Gul’daar are here to offer these vermin a contract that could change their lives forever. A contract that is going to take them deep into the depths of a long-forgotten world - Korriban….
Beginner friendly
Styles: Light game style, Rules light, Story driven, Character driven
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Exploration, Mystery
Hier gespielt worden
Ropecon (2018) |
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