Escape the Gellerpox
System: Wrath & Glory
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 5 Spieler
"Set in the Grim Darkness of the Far Future... Taking place on the war-torn world of Vigilus, a unlikely group of Imperial Citizens of Dontoria Hivesprawl must escape the disgusting hordes of the Gellerpox Infected - twisted zombies, blessed by the Plague God, Nurgle - to bring the Rogue Trader Delarique du Languille to her her ship so she can warn the Aquilarian Counil that rules Vigilus. Perhaps if she reaches them in time, a quarantine can save Dontoria from devastation."
A game of low ranking Imperial citizens against zombies and worse, this game is designed to be reminiscent of classic Survival Horror games, where ammo is precious and every enemy lethal.
Hier gespielt worden
AireCon 5 (2019) |
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