Christian Irming Friis Buhl
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Attack Right | Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022) | ||
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Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
Attack Right: Nominiert, Bedste Brætspil
I dette draftbasserede kortspil, bygger man et kongerige, der både skal kunne modstå tidens pres, og pænt aggressive naboer, som konstant banker på ens dør for at score point. Selve grundspillet er let at gå til - her vælger du mellem at placere kort i angrebsposition, forsvarsposition, eller inde i kongeriget. Den egentlige dybde kommer af et kæmpe udvalg af kort, der alle har unikke evner, og som spiller sammen på forskellige måder. Dét gør, at du måske har tabt på én front, men ender med at tage spillet hjem på en anden.
In this drafting based game, you build a kingdom that has to withstand the pressure of time as well as pretty aggressive neighbours who constantly knock on your door to score points. The core mechanic itself is easy to understand – here you choose between placing a card in attack position, defense position or inside the kingdom. The real depth comes from the huge selection of cards that all have unique effects that interact in various ways. This means that you may have lost in one of your strategies but end up taking the victory home from another.
In this drafting based game, you build a kingdom that has to withstand the pressure of time as well as pretty aggressive neighbours who constantly knock on your door to score points. The core mechanic itself is easy to understand – here you choose between placing a card in attack position, defense position or inside the kingdom. The real depth comes from the huge selection of cards that all have unique effects that interact in various ways. This means that you may have lost in one of your strategies but end up taking the victory home from another.
Attack Right: Nominiert, Bedste Formidlede Brætspil
Gennem simpel ikonografi og en tydelig og overskuelig præsentation, sikrer spillet at det hele forbliver let forståeligt, på trods af at næsten samtlige af spillets kort er unikke, og fungerer på vidt forskellige måder. Ligeledes understøtter brugen af illustrationer spillets tematik og stemning. Regelpræsentationen er tydeligt bygget op omkring spillet faser og handlinger, hvilket sikrer en hurtig og gnidningsløs tilgang til spillet.
Through simple iconography and clear presentation the game remains easily understandable and manageable even though almost all the cards are unique and work in very different ways. The use of illustrations also supports the theme and atmosphere of the game. The rule presentation is made up clearly around the game’s phases and actions which ensures a quick and smooth access to the game.
Through simple iconography and clear presentation the game remains easily understandable and manageable even though almost all the cards are unique and work in very different ways. The use of illustrations also supports the theme and atmosphere of the game. The rule presentation is made up clearly around the game’s phases and actions which ensures a quick and smooth access to the game.
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