Amazing Lazy Merchants
Deltagere: 2-4 spillere
Jesper Dahl |
Lav de mest fantastiske handler – med de mest dovne købmænd!
I Amazing Lazy Merchants indsætter du dine købmænd på en hurtigt voksende markedsplads. Dine købmænd er fantastiske handlende, der næsten altid lander de bedste handler. Men problemet er at dine købmænd også er meget dovne. Dette betyder, at når købmændene er placeret, vil de ikke bevæge sig resten af spillet. Hver gang en købmand handler, skal han også tage en lur!
Spillere styrer kumulativt, hvordan markedet vokser og udvikler sig omkring de handlende. Den spiller, der bedst udnytter denne vækst, foretager de bedste handler og derved tjener flest sejrspoint, vinder spillet.
Make the most amazing trades – using the most lazy merchants!
In Amazing Lazy Merchants you will be deploying your merchants in a fast growing marketplace. The merchants are amazing traders that almost always get the better end of any deal. The thing is that the merchants are also very lazy. This means, that once placed, the merchants will not move for the rest of the game.Also, every time a merchant makes a trade, he will need to take a nap!
Players cumulatively control how the market grows and evolves around the merchants and the player that best utilizes that growth, makes the best trades and thereby earns the most victory points, wins the game.
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Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Nomineret, Bedste Innovation
Is nominated for turning worker placement on its head. A moving board and stationary, even sedentary, workers. The result: A game experience exactly like the title suggests. Once the game starts, any effort of trying to play a normal worker placement game is ruined by the lazy workers. Who require a massive effort, just to get them to do anything useful at all really...
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