Spejlenes mester
(AKA: The Master of Mirrors)
Deltagere: 1 GM, 4 spillere
✏️ | Elias Helfer |
🎨 | Sebastian Nemeth |
Scenariet [dansk] | (1,8 MB) |
Fire sære væsener med brister så store som deres hjerter, hjælper pigen Amanda igennem en fantastisk verden, så hun kan finde Spejlenes Mester.
Stikord: Cinematisk Eventyr – Karakterdrevet – Fortælleelementer
Da teenagepigen Amanda træder fra vores verden ind i Spejlmesterens rige, møder hun fire sære væsner med hver deres styrker og hver deres brister. Sammen drager de fem ud på en rejse gennem den store vildmark imod Spejlmesterens palads i den Skinnende By på den anden side af Tågehavet. Undervejs må de hjælpe hinanden igennem svære udfordringer, og hver af dem må gennemgå både ydre og indre forvandlinger. Hvem mon de ser i Spejlmesterens spejl ved rejsens ende?
Spejlenes Mester er et eventyrligt scenarie, hvor det ydre spejler det indre. Det ender godt til sidst – men det må gerne gøre ondt på vejen.
Sammen fortæller I historien om de fem rejsefællers strabadser – spilleder sætter scenen, og spillerne fortæller, hvordan de løser problemerne. Hver spiller spiller et af de fire væsner, mens pigen Amanda bliver spillet af alle om bordet på skift.
Spil spejlenes Mester hvis du har lyst til fortælle fantasifulde eventyr, hvor der også er plads at knibe en tåre undervejs.
Om forfatteren:
Spejlenes Mester er Elias’ sjette scenarie til Fastaval. Det er også det andet scenarier han har skrevet, som han helt sikkert ville have spillet, hvis han ikke selv havde skrevet det.
Four strange creatures with flaws as big as their hearts help the girl Amanda travel through a magical world to find the Master of Mirrors.
Keywords: Fantastic Adventure – Character Driven – Storytelling elements
When the teenage girl Amanda steps from our world into the realm of the Master of Mirrors, she encounters four strange beings, each with their own strengths and each with their own flaws. Together, the five embark on a journey through the great wilderness towards the Palace of the Master of Mirrors, across the Sea of Fogs in the Shining City. Along the way, they must stand together against grave challenges, and each must transform both within and without. Who will they see at journey’s end as they gaze into the mirror of the Master of Mirrors?
The Master of Mirrors is a fantastical scenario where what is without is a reflection of what is within. There will be a happy ending – but the situation may look dire along the way.
You tell the story of the five companions all together – the GM sets the scene, and the players narrate how they solve the problems. Each player will play one of the four creatures, while everybody will trade off playing the girl, Amanda.
You should play The Master of Mirrors if you want to tell imaginative adventures where you might also shed a tear along the way.
About the author:
The Master of Mirrors is Elias’ 6th game for Fastaval. It’s also the second game he has written which he would definitely have wanted to play, had he not written it himself.
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