Star Wars: A New Home
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Novellescenarie, Sci-Fi
Deltagere: 1 GM, 3-6 spillere
✏️ | Stefan Lerbech |
Scenariet [dansk] | (3,2 MB) | |
Scenariet [engelsk] | (3,2 MB) |
Spil de gode gamle helte fra Star Wars i dette skrabelods-baserede rollespil.
A New Home er et regellet Star Wars-scenarie, hvor spillerne får lov til at indtage rollen som kendte Star Wars-karakterer i tiden efter Episode 6. Der er de klassiske karakterer som Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa og Han Solo, men også Chewbacca, R2D2, C3P0 eller endda ewoken Wickett tager potentielt med på eventyret. Fokus er mere på drama og en måde en genopleve de kendte helte, men hvad er Starwars uden en hel del action.
Den originale inspiration til spillet kom fra en blog om gør-det-selv skrabeloder, med regel ideer fra Fate og med Force terningerne fra FFGs Star Wars. Spillerne laver selv en del af de omgivelser I spiller i, og har meget kontrol over hvilken vej spillet vil gå.
Play the well known Iconic Heroes of star wars in this Scratch card based Roleplaying game.
A new home is a rules light Star Wars scenario, in which the players take the reins of the original trilogy characters, set after episode 6. You play as Luke, Leia and Han and the droids, and maybe Chewbakka and the Ewok Wicket may even join you in your adventures. In a game system that focuses on internal drama and interesting consequences to your actions, you will bicker your way through this short adventure that will also feature the action we would expect from Star Wars.
Originally inspired by a DIY scratch card blog, using ideas from Fate and the force dice from FFGs star wars, it is meant to put the direction of the game in to the hands of the players. The players can achieve whatever they want…if they are willing to scratch their way to the
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Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) |
- Novellescenarie
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