(AKA: Creatures)
System: Blackbox LARP
Deltagere: 1 GM, 8-20 spillere
✏️ | Simon James Pettitt |
Skabningerne vågner. De ved intet. Hvad er de? Hvem er de? Hvor er de? Hvad er de andre? Hvem er de andre? Hvorfor er de? De udforsker sig selv, deres omgivelser, de andre. De finder måske svar.
Du har nu mulighed for at påtage dig rollen som en af disse skabninger og være med, når den opdager sig selv, sin omverden, de andre skabninger og overvejer meningen. De andre deltagere omkring dig, vil gøre det samme og tilsammen giver I hinanden en oplevelse af skabelse og væren.
The creatures wake up. They know nothing. What are they? Who are they? Where are they? What are the others? Who are the others? Why are they? They explore themselves, their surroundings, the others. Perhaps they find answers.
You have the possibility to take on the role as one of these creatures and join in when it explores itself, its surroundings, the other creatures and ponders over meaning. The other participants around you will do the same and together you will give each other an experience of creation and being.
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Blackbox Cph V (2015) |
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