(AKA: Innocence)
Deltagere: 10 spillere
✏️ | Nina Runa Essendrop |
Prolog (2015), Culturen, Västerås, Sverige
Frida Karlsson Lindgren |
Knudepunkt (2023), Vejen Idrætscenter, Vejen, Danmark
Nina Runa Essendrop |
Scenariet [engelsk] | (0,3 MB) |
En gruppe af uskyldige Klovne med store hjerter og en lille forstand vågner i den tomme manege. Fortabte og forvirrede og med et savn af noget, de kun svagt kan huske, begynder de at udforske sig selv og hinanden i en søgen efter mening og lykke. Men livet er svært for små klodsede klovne, som er fulde af kærlighed og ikke kan tale. Ud af mørket dukker Sælgeren op og tilbyder nemme og spændende løsninger for små men betydningsfulde priser.
Uskyld er et fysisk scenarie, som udforsker temaer om venskab, umidelbarhed, stærke følelser og værdien af ting, som gør livet svært. Spillet bruger volapyk i stedet for sprog.
Genre: Poetisk, abstrakt, fysisk, emotionelt og non-verbalt.
Setting: En abstrakt tom cirkusmanege, som skabes af lys og det omkransende mørke.
Deltagertype: Spillere som kan lide fysisk indlevelse og som kan se alvoren i at spille et uskyldigt væsen, også selvom dette væsen kaldes en klovn.
Kostume: Sort, neutralt tøj.
Sprog: Spillet er uden sprog, men workshoppen afholdes på dansk eller engelsk afhængigt af deltagerne.
A group of innocent Clowns with big hearts and small minds, wake up at the empty stage. Lost and confused and with a longing for something they just vaguely remember, they start to explore themselves and each other, searching for meaning and happiness. But life is difficult for small clowns who are clumsy, love too much and can’t talk. And then the Salesman appear and offers them easy, exciting solutions for small but important fees.
Innocence is a physical game, that explore themes of friendship, immediacy, strong feelings and the value of things that make life difficult. The game makes use of gibberish in stead of real language.
Number of players: 10
Time and place: Saturday 11-15 at Bastarden
Genre: Poetic, abstract, physical, emotional and non-verbal.
Setting: An abstract, empty circus stage, created by light and surrounding darkness.
Participant type: Participants who like physical immersion and who can appreciate the seriousness of playing an innocent creature, even if this creature is called a Clown.
Costume: Dress comfortably in black, plain clothes.
Language: The game is non-verbal, but the workshop will be held in Danish or English, depending on the participants preferences.
Prize: 100 kr. including a sandwich.
Innocence is a larp about a group of innocent clowns with big hearts and little sense. The Clowns has very short memories and always wake up to a brand new world. But this time when they wake up, the Circus, which are their purpose and home, has left.
Lost and confused and with a longing for something they barely can remember they start to explore themselves and each other, searching for meaning and happiness. But life is hard for small clumsy clowns that are full of love but cannot speak. Out from the darkness the Salesman arrives and offers easy and exciting solutions for small but significant prices. In the end the Clowns has to decide, if they will take the easy solution and go with the Salesman, or if they will embrace the difficult things that make them who they are and stay and wait for the Circus to return.
Innocence is a physical scenario exploring topics like friendship, immediacy, strong emotions and the value of things that make life hard. The larp uses gibberish as language. If possible players are asked to wear dark, confirtable cloth, but no other preparation is required.
Spillet på
Grenselandet (2014) | |
♻ | Blackbox Cph IV (2014) |
♻ | Prolog (2015) |
♻ | Black Box Horsens (2016) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2018) |
♻ | Knudepunkt (2023) |
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