I Have No Railgun And I Must Scream
✏️ | Jacqueline Bryk |
Scenariet [engelsk] | (0,1 MB) |
Styles of Play: Tabletop/Pencil & Paper, Solo Play, Journaling
A solo game about being the sibling of a mech pilot during a world-changing war.
Tags: childhood, mecha, apocalypse, journaling
Spillet på
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022) |
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
Nomineret, Honorable Mentions
A love letter to the "vulnerable, squishy humanity present on the fringes of mech games," I Have No Railgun and I Must Scream delivers mecha drama in the style of Voices of a Distant Star with an extremely simple roll-and-write game. The lists of names and situations are thoroughly informed by the genre fiction, and all the vibes are right. Our favorite line from the game text is obviously: "Sibling also always gets a railgun."
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