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Railforge: Recycle, Resettle!

Forside til Railforge: Recycle, Resettle!

Deltagere: 3-4 spillere


DesignerMads Fløe
DesignerKåre Torndahl Kjær


Kast dig ud på en regenerativ rejse i “Railforge: Recycle, Resettle!” hvor den banebrydende E.W.O.C-teknologi transformerer affaldet i “The Fills” til strategiske ressourcer. Vil du føre an i kampen mod en bæredygtig fremtid, eller blive glemt ligesom resterne af “The Fills”?

Kast dig ud på en regenerativ rejse i “Railforge – Recycle, Resettle” et brætspil sat i en alternativ virkelighed. Et helt kontinent er ved at drukne i affald – kaldet “The Fills” – og søger en ny begyndelse gennem den nyligt opfundne Electronic Waste Organizer & Compressor (E.W.O.C). Fyld den med affald, og den vil omdanne det til tilgængelige ressourcer; Metaller, plast, organiske stoffer, kemikalier og elektronik.

Disse ressourcer placeres af E.W.O.C’en i et tilfældigt 3×3 mønster, der begrænser hvilke ressourcer, som hver spiller kan vælge at placere på deres personlige spillebræt. Herfra – ved hjælp af action-kort, der placeres vinkelret ud fra specifikke dele af brættet – bruges ressourcerne til at udføre handlinger såsom at rydde affald, konstruere jernbaner, og at etablere settlements. Udfordringen er, at få de rigtige ressourcer til at samles på det rigtige sted, så de kan bruges til de handlinger, som du vil udføre, og at time det hele med de andre spilleres handlinger. Som spillet skrider frem, låser du nye handlinger op ved strategisk at spille nye action-kort langs dit bræt.

Konkurrér mod dine modstandere for at sikre dig centrale pladser på brættet. Opførelsen af settlements scorer ikke kun point, men låser også op for specielle evner, som virkelig kan styrke din strategi. Jernbanerne er dog nøglen til sejr, og til sidst vinder spilleren, der har gjort mest for at omdanne “The Fills” til et beboeligt sted.

Vil du blive husket som en, der førte an i kampen mod en bæredygtig fremtid, eller vil dit navn snart blive glemt ligesom resterne af “The Fills”?

”Railforge – Recycle, Resettle” er et brætspil, hvor spillere bruger en E.W.O.C (Electronic Waste Organizer & Compressor) til at omdanne affald til ressourcer. Ressourcerne bruges til at bygge jernbaner og etablere settlements på et kontinent oversvømmet af affald. Spillet udfordrer spillere til at samle de rigtige ressourcer og konkurrere mod hinanden for at skabe en bæredygtig fremtid. Vil du blive husket som en pioner i kampen mod affald eller falde i glemsel som resterne af ”The Fills”?
Regler: 20 minutter
Spiltid: 120 minutter

Embark on a regenerative journey in "Railforge: Recycle, Resettle," where the groundbreaking E.W.O.C transforms the waste in “The Fills” into strategic resources. Will you lead the charge towards a sustainable future, or be forgotten like the remnants of "The Fills"?

Embark on a regenerative journey in "Railforge: Recycle, Resettle," a board game set in an alternate reality. An entire continent is drowning in waste - called “The Fills” - and seeks a new beginning through the newly invented Electronic Waste Organizer and Compressor (E.W.O.C). Fill it with waste and it will transform it into available resources; metals, plastics, organics, chemicals, and electronics.

These resources will be placed into a random grid through the E.W.O.C, which limits the ressources each player can choose and place on their personal player board. From here - using action cards aligned perpendicular with your board - the resources are used to fuel actions like clearing waste, constructing railways and establishing settlements. The challenge is getting the right resources aligned with the actions you want to do, and time it all with the actions of the other players. As the game progresses, you unlock new possibilities by strategically playing new action cards along your board.

Race against your opponents to claim key spaces on the central board. Building settlements not only scores you victory points, but also unlocks special abilities to further fuel your engine. Rails, however, are the key component to victory. In the end, the player who has done the most to transform “The Fills” to a habitable place, wins.

Will you be remembered as one who led the charge towards a sustainable future, or will your name soon be forgotten just like the remnants of "The Fills"?

Spillet på

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Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)

Nomineret, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Railforge is nominated for its razor sharp presentation of the rules. The game is fairly complex, but the rules are to the point without ever being ambiguous or vague. The choice of which info to highlight has been impeccably made, with good anticipation of the player's needs, which makes the rulebook easy to consult to get the answers the players are looking for.
The iconography is recognizable and utilitarian, and all the way through you feel assured that you’re playing the game exactly as intended- the rules acting as a steady hand guiding you through the game.
Nomineret, Bedste brætspil
Railforge - Recycle, Resettle arrives in it´s intended genre as precisely and well-structured as a German train arrives at the platform. The game elegantly conveys a classic.
Eurogame-experience in a shorter timeframe, which opens up the game to a broad audience in terms of complexity and play time.
All the elements of the game fit the overall theme, and the components as well as the mechanics smoothly deliver exactly what is promised as you forge your way through the garbage wasteland to settle yourself on the top of the point track.

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