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Forside til Orbit

Deltagere: 1-6 spillere


DesignerChris Backe


PDF Regler [engelsk] (2,1 MB)


Vi er i det 23. århundrede, og I er alle kaptajner, der udvikler nye solsystemer til jeres kejser. I denne mini-4x rondel-builder giver én person en ordre (udforsk, køb, mine eller zap), som alle andre spillere skal følge. Hver kaptajn vælger, hvordan de vil udføre ordren. Få point baseret på hvor godt dit system matcher dine personlige mål i slutningen af spillet – flest point vinder.

Orbit lader spillere opleve den klassiske 4x-formel (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit og eXterminate) på cirka 30 minutter. Hver spiller har deres eget sæt af brikker, som er det, der lader spillet skalere til potentielt uendeligt antal spillere – bare find en anden spiller med et sæt og start spillet!

Din rondel starter med en stjerne og 6 start-sekskanter (en måne, en asteroide, en komet og noget rumstøv). Mens du spiller, skal du Udforske (Udforsk), Mine (Udnytte), Køb (Udvid) eller Zap (Udrydde) himmellegemerne i din stjernes kredsløb. Hver spiller starter også med 3 tilfældige mål af forskellige typer. Disse belønner dig for at placere visse himmellegemer ved siden af hinanden, for de ressourcer du indsamler, eller for at samle de ønskede himmellegemer.

Spillet bruger en følg-lederen-mekanik. I hver tur vælger en spiller en handling, som alle spillere skal udføre, hvis de kan. Hver spiller vælger så, hvordan de vil udføre handlingen, da alle kun har adgang til deres eget solsystem, deres eget marked osv. Dygtige spillere bør overveje, hvilken handling de personligt helst ønsker at udføre, men samtidig overveje hvilken handling andre spillere gerne vil have dig til at vælge. Hvis en handling slet ikke kan udføres af en spiller, skal den ignoreres . Det har værdi at tvinge en anden spiller til at tage en handling, de ikke selv ville have valgt…

Spillet slutter, når en spiller har placeret 12 himmellegemer omkring deres stjerne, eller når nogen har gennemgået deres stak af sekskantede brikker. Gennemgå dine personlige mål og tæl pointene optjent fra dit solsystem. Spilleren med flest point vinder.

It's the 23rd century, and you're all Captains developing new solar systems for your Emperor. In this mini-4x rondel-builder, one person gives an order (Scout, Buy, Mine, or Zap) that all other players must follow. Each Captain chooses how they'll do it. Score points based on how well your system matches your personal goals at the end of the game - most points wins.

Orbit lets players experience the classic 4x formula (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) in about 30 minutes. Each player has their own 'kit' / set of pieces, which is what lets it scale to potentially infinite players - just find someone else with a kit and start playing!

Your rondel starts with a star and 6 starting hexes (a moon, an asteroid, a comet, and some space dust). As you play, Scout (Explore), Mine (Exploit), Buy (Expand), or Zap (Exterminate) the celestial bodies in your star's orbit. Each player also starts with 3 random goals of different types - these reward you for placing certain celestial bodies adjacent to each other, for the resources you will collect, or for collecting the celestial bodies desired.

The game uses a leader-follower mechanic - each turn, one player chooses one of those actions that all players must take, if they can. Each player then chooses how they want to take it, since they all have access to their own solar system, their own market, etc. Skillful players will consider which action they personally most want to take alongside which action other players might want you to choose. If an action cannot be taken by a player at all, they must pass. There is some value in forcing another player to take an action they would not choose themselves…

The game ends when anyone has placed 12 celestial bodies around their star or when anyone has gone through their stack of hexes. Go through your goals and count up the points earned from your solar system, and the player with the most points wins.

Spillet på

Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)


Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)

Nomineret, Bedste Innovation - Brætspil
True to the spirit of Fastaval, this is a game that plays with what is actually, physically possible. Orbit plays with scalability in a daring and innovative way that makes the groundwork for a truly unique Fastaval board game experience.
The mechanics that make it possible for you to play this with as many friends and foes as you want, is what makes this game shine in this category- you can play the game with a theoretically infinite amount of players.
It makes even the position of general an uncertain factor in your victory as you will have to accept that any one game can have many generals with many different goals and missions- or just a plain old desire to zap you into stardust.

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