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Process of Elimination

Forside til Process of Elimination

System: LARP
Deltagere: 8-12 spillere


✏️Juno Langland


A group of strangers wakes up at an unknown location, and a voice explains the rules of a cruel game. In order to save a few, the group must sacrifice many. Time after time and through anonymous voting, each participant may choose to sacrifice someone in the room, with the knowledge that the chosen one might die at the end of the day.

They are all individuals with merits and flaws. But which qualities are valued the highest, and what flaws weigh the heaviest? Should they work as a group, or is it every person for themselves? And who has the right to decide who lives or dies?

By the nature of the larp, many sensitive subjects will be handled. Religion, terminal illness, addiction, and physical violence can all come to be discussed. Discrimination based on sexuality, gender, disabilities, age, and lifestyle choices may also occur. Some of them can be avoided if agreed upon by the group.

No matter what happens, your character will be alive until the end of the runtime. The larp has no demand for physical movement and all physical interactions are opt-in only.

Spillet på

Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)

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