Orestes' Choice
(AKA: Orestes’ Choice – a Larp about Love and Fury)
System: LARP
Deltagere: 4 spillere
✏️ | Staffan Fladvad |
✏️ | Susanne Vejdemo |
In mythic Greece, Orestes and his lover Pylades hide in a ruin outside Mycenae. At sunrise they plan to break into the city to kill Orestes’ mother and step-father to avenge Agamemnon, a father he has never met. Between scenes where the two young warriors wrestle with the morality of this, we play memories and backstory. No character is player-specific, and is instead represented by a specific prop. Characters may be accepted, offered, and refused at any point.
The triumph and tragedy of Orestes and his family has been told and retold for more than 2500 years.
Trigger warnings: Greek tragedy-typical: violence, sexism, murders, human sacrifice, deaths of children.
Expect: angsting over love and ethics, morally gray characters who all believe they are acting out of love, all the drama, opt-in to murderous ending, truly horrific (canon-compliant) backstory, players can veto topics, railroaded scenes, switch characters each scene, dramatic impro heavy, loosely scripted short scenes, partly fated play with room for player agency, many long names (sorry).
Love - Fury - Family
Spillet på
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023) |
Afviklinger derudover
28. september 2023 | NYC Larp Collective, Brooklyn, New York, USA |
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