Hirviöiden kotirintama
(AKA: Monsters' home security)
System: D&D 5th Edition
Deltagere: 1 GM, 3-5 spillere
Elina Vähä-Mäkilä |
Tags: Aimed at children between 13 and 17, Aimed at adult attendees, English or finnish
Styles: Light game style, Rules heavy, Combat driven
A famous paladin Auricus and his party are on their way to a monster-infested cave, where a fabled healing crystal lies. You are not the paladin or any of his friends. Instead, you are a monster living in the cave and ready to defend your home by any means.
In this adventure you get to play various monsters from D&D. Prior knowledge of the system helps but is not mandatory. The game is fairly combat driven but there's also room for role-playing.
This game can be ran in English, if there's non-Finnish-speaking players present.
Accessibility: The duration of the programme is over two hours without breaks; The programme includes texts that are essential to participation, and the texts are not available as recordings or read out loud
Tags: Aimed at children between 13 and 17, Aimed at adult attendees, English or finnish
Styles: Light game style, Rules heavy, Combat driven
Kuuluisa paladiini Auricus ystävineen on aikeissa hyökätä hirviöiden täyttämään luolaan, josta löytyy tarujen mukaan parantava kristalli. Sinä et ole paladiini tai kukaan hänen joukostaan. Sen sijaan olet hirviö, joka on kiintynyt kotiinsa ja valmis puolustamaan sitä kaikin keinoin.
Tässä seikkailussa pääset pelaamaan erilaisia D&D:stä tuttuja monstereita. D&D:n tuntemuksesta on etua, mutta se ei ole pakollista. Peli painottuu taisteluun, mutta myös roolipelaamiselle on tilaa.
Content warnings: ei-graafista väkivallan kuvausta, mielenhallintaloitsuja/pakottamista, viittauksia ihmissyöntiin
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Ropecon (2023) |
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