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Expedition to Undermountain

System: D&D 5th Edition
Deltagere: 1 GM, 3-5 spillere


ArrangørSaku Yliviuhkola


Tags: English or finnish

Styles: Light game style, Combat driven

Undermountain, the infamous megadungeon. Many an adventurer has faced death and destruction in its halls and many have dragged riches beyond their dreams from its depths.
Once again call comes for brave or just foolhardy adventurers to brave the depths of the abode of Halaster Blackcloak and maybe, if Lady Luck wishes, emerge with a fortune.

Undermountain is too big to be played in one session of any con, however, the idea is to see how long will the characters get. And at some point they will decide that caution is indeed a better part of valor. Where-ever they decide to leave it, next Ropecon, their successors will continue based on the maps the previous group drew!

Game can be played in finnish or english.
Accessibility: Loud sounds; The duration of the programme is over two hours without breaks; There are limited opportunities to move around during the programme

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Ropecon (2023)

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