Playstorm: 200 Word RPG
Anita Murray (Facilitator) |
2015 was pretty much the year of indie RPG competitions. One of the best was the 200 word RPG challenge. Write an RPG, rules and all in 200 words.
Playstorms are intense game design and playtesting sessions. In this Playstorm we're going to repeat the 200 word RPG challenge.
For the first hour we'll play some of the entries into the competition.
In the second hour we'll brainstorm, design and write as many of our own 200 word games as possible.
And in the third hour, we'll playtest those games and see how many hold or fall apart on first contact with players.
Afterwards we'll have a debrief on game design, how games are changing and discuss what we found interesting during the Playstorm.
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Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016) |
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