Strike Back
System: Space Hulk
Deltagere: 1 GM, 6 spillere
✏️ | Mark Bradfield |
Mark Bradfield |
++++++ Op "Strike Back" Update 2011888:22 ++++++
Taking the War to the Tyrannids -
Instead of waiting for these vile creatures to attack us on our own ground - always on the retreat - we will take 6 squads of Volunteers per Hive ship and bring the war to them.
Each squad will be able to select from the best that the chapter has to offer... and don't be afraid to use it.
Emperor willing we will send them chittering back to the Emperor forsaken holes that they came from.
Mission Objectives:
Kill Everything. (Goes without saying really)
Disable the ship.
Gather genetic samples.
Retrieve the Skull probes.
Retrieve any survivors.
++++++ Op "Strike Back" Update End +++++++++
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BeAcon III (2017) |
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