Honour Amongst Thieves
System: Serenity
✏️ | Ray O'Mahony |
Scenariet [engelsk] | (0 MB) |
Ain´t no big secret that one might get a bit tetchy when one gets work from the Tongs, when all´s said n done they´d as soon shoot a fella in the back as pay him. Especially if he´s a Browncoat. But right now I ain´t got no kinda choice but to take their job, what with the cost of repairs being what they are n all. Not to mention the awful big pile of credits it´s gonna take to keep my new crew all fed n contented. Yes sir, if this job don´t go smooth, life in the black will get a little trickier for me n mine, believe you me.
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Warpcon XVIII (2008) |
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