Insanity Bites
System: AD&D Ravenloft
Genre: Gyser
✏️ | Jesper Dyreholt |
The small candle flickered in the cool draft from the window. "He must not be alllowed to ruin it for me!" The slender dagger glistened from the venom that had just been added to it´s natural slime. The candle flickered again, this time more violently. "My talents are too great for him to ruin", the figure reiterated, banging his fist into the wooden table. "It must be done tonight, or it is too late", the figure whispered to itself. It rose from the wooden chair and started for the door. "It will be done!!!" The door banged shut.
The candle blew out.
Spillet på
Con Dôme (1997) | |
♻ | Con Dôme (2005) |
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