System: LARP
Deltagere: 6-18 spillere, Male characters: 2-6, Female characters: 2-6, Characters that are not strictly defined as male or female: 2-6
✏️ | Aleksandra Franskevich |
✏️ | Nadja Trutniova |
You are in the bar and the music is slow and seductive. There are few people left; and you are among the last, who sit there drinking. The lights are dim and your head is dizzy, both from the shots and the look in her/his eyes and the way (s)he pats your hand. You laugh at her/his jokes and you love the way (s)he looks at you when you laugh. (S)he looks at you with these melting and haunting eyes and you know (s)he will be yours soon but now you just enjoy it in slow motion.
This immersive larp explores this shivering sweet and breath-catching feeling when you already KNOW how it all ends up but expectation is more precious than the result.
It’s a verbal larp, focused on experience and intense on emotions, such as desire, passion, love, lust, heartbreak; the workshop will be rather physical and includes hugging, dancing, and holding hands. The characters will be created during the workshop; the players can choose to play close to home or distance themselves from their characters.
The larp itself will take about an hour and a half; workshops take about two and a half hours with a break. The larp will be played in couples. Theatre lights and music will be used during the larp. Players should be ready to indulge in the moment and enjoy the experience.
This LARP is not about sex and there are no sex scenes in it; however, it revolves around topics close to sex and the workshop is aimed at building closeness between people. Players should be 18+.
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Intercon Q (2017) |
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