Papjam Scratch! 2025 - THE BIG SCRATCH (2025)
Sted: Valby Kulturhus, Danmark 🗺️
Dato: 23. - 25. maj 2025
Del af: PapJam
Om kongressen:
PapJam Scratch is a board game jam taking place in Copenhagen this November.
What is a game jam you might ask?!?
Well, a game jam is a bunch of people getting together and creating games. And with board games (unlike video games), that means you don’t need to know anything other than how to play a board game.
The event is for everyone, from veteran board game designers to all those who love board games and have always wanted to try making one of their own.
No, it’s totally fine if you don’t have a team. On Friday we’ll help people out in finding a team, and everyone ends up in a team. It’s of course also fine to work alone or to come to the jam with a pre-existing team.
Get your tickets now! The first 10 are early bird!
Vi har ikke haft noget program for denne kongres, så oversigten over spil er blot baseret på eksterne referencer, hukommelse, tidlige rygter, etc., og er derfor måske ikke komplet.
Har du en ændring, eller ligger du inde med et program, så
send os en rettelse.
Organizer | Jacob Engelbrecht-Gollander | |
Organizer | Jens Griebel | |
Organizer | Lasse Kiilerich | |
Organizer | Otto Plantener Jensen |
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