Gamex (2022)
Sted: Hilton, Los Angeles Airport, CA, USA 🗺️
Dato: 27. - 30. maj 2022
Del af: Gamex
Om kongressen:
Strategicon welcomes you to Gamex 2022. Thank you for joining us.
Gamex brings you the widest array of family, fantasy, historical, and science-fiction board, card, video, miniatures, and roleplaying games offered in California. The diversity of these games satisfies every gamer, from expert to novice, from adventurer to land baron, and from diplomat to field general.
We also offer a wide selection of game retailers and manufacturers in the Dealer Room.
New to the convention? If you have any questions, the convention staff will be glad to assist you.
Again, thank you for coming. Enjoy the adventure.
Programmet [engelsk] | (15,4 MB) |
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