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Front page for Post-IT

(AKA: Do Electric Clowns Dream of Theseus' Spaceship?)

Genre: Komedie, Novellescenarie, Sci-Fi
Participants: 1 GM, 3 players


✏️Henrik Dithmer


PDF Scenario [Danish] (2.6 MB)
PDF Scenario [English] (2.7 MB)


A comedy about three friends, who try to make themselves functional in a world where cyber-implants are as unreliable as the post-its that represent them.

Here at New Hobro Cyberclinic we recognize your needs. You, walking down the street, stepping in dogshit; get a filthdetector in your leg! You, unable to relate to your sister's new boyfriend; get a smile-and-nod small-talk enhancer! You, working your ass off at a meaningless job without recognition; we’ll make you into a nihilist! We know YOUR problems, and we have YOUR solutions!

Post-IT is a short scenario about 3 mundane persons in the near future, who undergo horrible surgery to get implants that break down in the most awkward way, and who need to live with the terribly comedic consequences. It is a game where implants take the form of post-its which you stick on each other, and fail tremendously when the fall off.

En komedie om tre venner der prøver at gøre sig selv funktionelle i en verden hvor cyber-implantater er så upålidelige som de post-its der repræsenterer dem.

Her på Ny Århus Cyberklinik kender vi dine behov. Dig, der går på gaden og hele tiden træder på hundelort; få dig en fæcesdetektor i benene! Dig, der ikke ved hvordan du skal forholde dig til din søsters nye kæreste; få en smil-og-nik small-talk enhancer! Dig, der knokler på dit meningsløse arbejde uden anerkendelse; vi gør dig nihilist! Vi kender DINE problemer, og vi har DINE løsninger!

Post-IT er et novellescenarie om 3 slemt mundæne personer i den nære fremtid, der får indopereret uhyrlige implantater, der bryder sammen for et godt ord, og skal leve med de frygteligt sjove konsekvenser. Det er et spil om komisk utilfredshed, hvor alle svar på ens problemer bare skaber nye niveauer af dysfunktion.

Played at

Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
DefCon 2 (2018)
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)


Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)

Winner, Lady


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