A Wolf by Any Other Name
System: LARP
Teilnehmer: 6-25 Spieler
✏️ | Maury Elizabeth Brown |
✏️ | Ben Morrow |
The Smoke (2019), Theatre Delicatessen, 2 Finsbury Avenue, London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Joanna Piancastelli |
Be-Con (2023), Sheraton Suites Chicago Elk Grove, Illinois, United States, Vereinigte Staaten
Rachel Loos |
In the Magimundi, the hidden North American magical universe, two types of creatures can shape-shift into wolves: lycans and loup-garou. Though their powers are essentially the same, the way they are treated by society is not. Loup-garou are privileged; lycans are persecuted. On this night of the full moon, you are in detention with other _New World Magischola_ students, some of whom are secret lycans, struggling to find the potion that will keep them from changing and outing their condition. What will you do when the moon rises?
This LARP is open to players of all ages and physical ability. Players will be able to determine their own characters' genders and sexual orientations. This game explores a particular facet and conflict in the New World Magischola setting. We will have some wizard school robes and school ties for you to wear, and a small number of extra wands, but it would be helpful if you brought your own wand to use in game.
Magic and props are WYSIWYG, meaning potions are actual potions, not item cards. Magical effects are role-played. Combat in the game is consent-based, which means the defender decides the outcome of the spell and physical boundaries are negotiated before it occurs. This will be demonstrated and practiced in pre-game workshops. This LARP also includes a post-game debrief.
In the Magimundi, the hidden North American magical universe, two types of creatures can shape-shift into wolves: lycans and loup-garou. Though their powers are essentially the same, the way they are treated by society is not. Loup-garou are privileged; lycans are persecuted. On this night of the full moon, you are in detention with other _New World Magischola_ students, some of whom are secret lycans, struggling to find the potion that will keep them from changing and outing their condition. What will you do when the moon rises?
This LARP is open to players of any physical ability, 13 and older. Players will be able to determine their own characters' genders and sexual orientations. This game explores a particular facet and conflict in the New World Magischola setting. We will have some wizard school robes and school ties for you to wear, and a small number of extra wands, but it would be helpful if you brought your own wand to use in game.
You'll get your character at the door, and participate in an onboarding session to create backstory and relationships before play begins. Magical effects are role-played. Combat in the game is consent-based, which means the defender decides the outcome of the spell and physical boundaries are negotiated before it occurs. This will be demonstrated and practiced in pre-game workshops. This LARP also includes a post-game debrief.
You’re in detention at New World Magischola, a university for wizards. It’s also the full moon, and some of your fellow students are werewolves.
In the Magimundi, the hidden North American magical universe, two types of creatures can shape-shift into wolves: lycans and loup-garou. Though their powers are essentially the same, the way they are treated by society is not. Loup-garou are privileged; lycans are persecuted, and in fact, lycans are not allowed to be students at New World Magischola. Most lycans can control their shifting with the right potions - but those potions are expensive and hard to get.
Negotiate with your classmates and rivals; keep your friends' secrets or betray your enemies; wheel and deal to get the potions that you need; debate the ethics of lycan rights; use all your magical skill to help keep yourself safe - and get it all done before the moon rises!
A freeform larp set in the world of the blockbuster New World Magischola. The game is set in present-day North America, and all characters are wizards-in-training at a university.
All magical effects effects are roleplayed. Combat in the game is consent-based, which means the defender decides the outcome of the spell, and physical boundaries are negotiated before combat occurs.
The larp includes pre-game workshops, during which players create their characters and relationships, learn the magic system, and practice spellcasting. There is also a post-game debrief.
Costumes and wands are encouraged but not required.
A Wolf by Any Other Name is a larp about magic students in detention on the night of the full moon. Some students are secretly werewolves, hiding their condition in order to attend wizard school. If they don’t collect the two expensive ingredients to create the Romulus Lunar Shield potion before moonrise, their inevitable transformation into a beast will out their condition and endanger everyone else. They could get hurt or killed, kill or hurt a friend, or worse, get expelled.
You’re all stuck here in detention together. The object of the game: determine what you will do, as an individual and as a group, when the moon rises. Will you protect, help, or betray a friend? An enemy?
Content Warnings: The larp contains discrimination based on fictional traits and may contain simulated physical or magical violence.
Costume (optional): Wands, robes, magical trinkets, and wizard hats are not required, but are very welcome!
Presented by
Joanna Piancastelli (UK): Joanna has larped all over the world, on ships and in castles, in hotel rooms and pub basements. She wrote Unheroes, which has been played dozens of times across three continents, and ran Dawnstone and Marked: A School for Heroes in the UK. Her larps mix open, collaborative play styles with big-label genres to bring accessible fun to first timers and old hands alike.
Hier gespielt worden
Intercon Q (2017) | |
♻ | Intercon R (2018) |
♻ | The Smoke (2019) |
♻ | Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019) |
♻ | Be-Con (2023) |
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