Über Alexandria
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Alexandria in Zahlen

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Teilnehmer: 8-20 Spieler


✏️Áron Birtalan


DIM is a Transformation Game for 8–20 participants. Transformation Games are an experimental discipline, that blend elements of role-playing, somatics, and practices of everyday life, into a form of experience that the author would be hesitant to call ‘larp’.

DIM takes place in an undefined space, where Forms and Shadows meet. Forms and Shadows are abstract personalities that communicate mainly through their own unique body language. Creating and exploring these personalities as well as the world they inhabit in is the ‘purpose’ of the game. It is a simple, yet extremely powerful to undergo.

The program is partially funded by the PRO Invest program of STROOM Den Haag.

Bring clothes you are comfortable moving around in.

Áron Birtalan is a Hungarian artist who makes games and rituals in everyday environments. Working together with participants and their imagination as an artistic medium, he explores the nature of human interaction by creating collaborative experiences, called ‘Transformation Games’. Through his work, Áron encourages people to tap into a playful territory, where art, games and magic mingle. His work draws upon the history of transformation through rites, and as a whole, ritual’s role in society.
He currently lives in The Netherlands, running the experimental platform Secret Fiction.

Content warning: The game requires low lighting conditions, and being comfortable of being touched.

Hier gespielt worden

The Smoke (2018)

Sonstige Abwicklungen

DIM was developed and ran during Secret Fiction Lab 2017

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