The Truth About Eternity
(Alias: Sandheden om evigheden)
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 5 Spieler
✏️ | Clio Yun-su Davis |
Scenariet med danske roller [Dänisch] | (23,1 MB) | |
Szenario [Englisch] | (23,1 MB) |
En sci-fi historie om forholdet mellem forfædre og efterkommere i en fremtid hvor opfindelsen af den digitale grav har ledt til muligheden for det evige liv – så længe efterkommerne betaler for serveren.
Stikord: Forfædredyrkelse – Familie – Ofre
Sandheden om Evigheden (The Truth About Eternity) er et semilive-scenarie om en nær fremtid hvor forfædre bliver opbevaret i digitale grave, og deres efterkommere har ansvaret for deres evige bevarelse.
Spillerne portrætterer forfædrene og deres efterkommere i en koreansk/koreansk amerikansk familie som kæmper med at balancere deres egne behov mod hele familiens behov. De kommer at stå ansigt til ansigt med udfordringerne der kommer med at blive gammel, det uundgåelige dybe tab, og kampen mellem personlig frihed og familieansvar. Scenariet kommer at udforske disse temaer gennem koreansk kulturforståelse, men kræver ingen forkundskaber om koreansk kultur.
Scenariet spilles over fem akter og en epilog. Det bruger gentagne flashbacks og flashforwards som mekanik til at fremhæve hvert familiemedlems ærgelser og skuffelser. Hvert akt repræsenterer forskellige faser af karaktererne som accepterer deres rolle i familien og i deres forhold til hinanden. Spillerne kan forvente en bittersød historie som giver chancen for at udforske familiære forpligtelser og intergenerationelle relationer i et nyt lys.
Om forfatteren:
Clio Yun-su Davis er en koreansk-amerikansk designer og forfatter som arbejder med sorg, asiatisk og asiatisk-amerikanske oplevelser, og eksistentiel frygt. Yun-su Davis designer larps, tabletop, kortbaserede spil og skriver interaktiv fiktion. Deres freeform The Long Drive Back from Busan vandt The Golden Cobra Challenge for Best Game That Incorporates Meaningful, Non-Romantic Relationships i 2017. Dette er Clios første gang på Fastaval.
A sci-fi story about the relationship between ancestors and descendants in a future where the digital grave provides opportunity of eternal life – as long as the descendants are willing to pay for the server.
Keywords: Ancestor veneration – Family – Sacrifice
The Truth About Eternity is a semi-live scenario about a near-future in which ancestors are preserved in digital tombs, with their descendants bearing the responsibility for their perpetual upkeep. Players take on the roles of ancestors and their descendants in a Korean/Korean American family in the midst of a struggle to balance their own needs with those of the family as a whole. They will face the challenges that come with aging and caring for the aging, the inevitability of profound loss, and the battle between personal freedom and familial responsibility. While the scenario will explore these themes through the lens of Korean culture, no previous knowledge of the culture is required.
The scenario is played out over five acts and an epilogue, and uses repetition of flashbacks and flashforwards to highlight the regrets of each family member. Each act represents a different phase of the characters coming to terms with or trying to reinvent their roles within the family and within their relationships with one another. Players can expect to experience a bittersweet story that gives them the chance to look at obligation and intergenerational relationships in a new light.
About the author:
Clio Yun-su Davis is a Korean American game designer and writer whose work explores grief, Asian and Asian American experiences, and existential dread. They design larps, tabletop roleplaying games, and card games, and write interactive fiction. Their freeform game The Long Drive Back from Busan won the Golden Cobra Challenge award for Best Game That Incorporates Meaningful, Non-Romantic Relationships in 2017. This will be Clio’s first time attending Fastaval.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) |
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