To the Bitter End
(Alias: The Bitter End)
Teilnehmer: Kein Spielleiter, 2 Spieler
✏️ | Bjarke Pedersen |
✏️ | Lizzie Stark |
Et kortbaseret rollespil, der leder spillerne igennem et parforhold fra forelskelsen begynder at spire til kærligheden bukker under. En intim fortælling for to spillere, hvor hver part har sine egne mål.
A card-based roleplay that takes the players through a romantic relationship from the first sparks of attraction to when the love dies out. An intimate story for two players where each side has their own goals.
Keywords: Card driven – selfish relationship – intimate experience
The cutest person you’ve ever seen sits down across from you in a coffee shop. They’re not the Tinder date you’re waiting for–that person never showed. — This could be interesting, and maybe the true love you’ve been waiting for. It’s time to let your most charming self take control. Keep them interested. Keep them committed. And don’t fuck it up.
"To the Bitter End" is an intimate, two-person experience about the lifecycle of a relationship, from the first blush of love to the wrenching, messy end.
Two sets of cards guide you through the story as you spark, nurture, and ultimately destroy a romance between two characters. One provides scene prompts, the other behaviors to riff on during each scene. Those behaviors shift over the course of the game from the cosy (“Twirl your hair”) to the downright awful (“Use crying as a weapon to get what you want”).
The game features an intense ride through a soon-to-be doomed relationship, includes some physical contact, and rewards you with an appropriate but horrific end.
About the authors:
Bjarke Pedersen & Lizzie Stark are a Danish/US writing team who previously collaborated on Romeo & Juliet: A Larp, created jointly with the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. They hail from larp and freeform, and have created games that cover everything from Shakespeare, breast cancer, and submarines to vampires and feminism.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) | |
♻ | Stockholm Fringe Festival (2019) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Nominiert, Juryens Specialpris
De angivne handlinger er både subtile og smertefuldt genkendelige. Instruktionerne giver spillerne et trygt alibi for at drive fortællingen fra forelskelsens stormfulde start til det uundgåelige brud.
The scenario is nominated for the action cards, which provide an excellent way of supporting romance in roleplaying. The actions are both subtle and painfully recognizable. The instructions give the players a safe alibi for taking the story from the stormful beginning of a love story to the unavoidable breakup.
Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
To the Bitter End only needs a precise set of cards and an ultra short guide, in order to make game master and players ready to explore a budding romance that will lead to a bitter break up. Once the first card has been turned, the players only have to follow the instructions of the scene and action cards, which word by word and action by action take them to the bitter end.
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