Andreas Frisch |
Automata rules [Englisch] | (0,5 MB) |
For at blive den rigeste og mest berømte opfinder skal du bygge, forbedre, og sælge dine robotter, mens du knuser dine modstandere — men pas på; Robotter er utilregnelige og dine konkurrenter vil udnytte enhver mulighed for at stoppe dig.
I rollen som opfindere kæmper spillerne mod hinanden om at tjene flest penge og opnå mest prestige for deres evner kunsten at bygge robotter. Robotterne fungerer som den arbejdskraft man skal bruge til at bygge flere robotter, forbedre de nuværende robotter, eller samle materialer. Derudover kan man sælge sine robotter på markedet for at blive rig, eller bruge dem til at vise ny teknologi frem og dermed blive mere kendt.
Ikke alle robotter er designet lige; Nogle robotter er hurtige men svage og nogle er langsomme men stærke. Hvad værre er, så er disse robotter sjældent helt pålidelige i deres kunnen. Spillerne skal sørge for at deres planer forløber i den rigtige rækkefølge, uden at planerne bliver blokeret af smarte modstandere, der sender hurtige robotter for at komme dig i forkøbet.
Heldigvis kan robotter samarbejde og kombineres, så der er håb for de opfindere der kan overskue det.
Robotterne i Automata er repræsenteret med terninger og selvom alle slag kan bruges, så vil spillerne blive tvunget til at genoverveje strategier og planer løbende, så man skal både kunne tænke langsigtet og tage højde for hvad der sker lige nu og her.
Tema: Steampunk, tandhjul, Robotter
Mekanikker: Worker Placement, Resource Management, Dice, Set Collection
Build, improve, and sell your robots as you crush your opponents to become the wealthiest and most famous inventor — but be smart about it; Robots are unpredictable and your competitors will seize any opportunity to stop you.
As inventors the players fight each other to become the wealthiest and most prestigious creator of robots. These robots function as a workforce the players must use to build new robots, improve existing robots, or collect materials in the form of scrap metal. Furthermore, players may sell their robots on the market to get richer or use the robots to showcase new technology increasing the fame of the inventor.
Not all robots are designed equally; Some robots are fast but weak whereas others are slow but powerful. Even worse, these robots are rarely reliable in their effects. The players must make sure their plans execute in the right order — without being blocked by smart competitors sending fast robots to grab the scarce resources and ruin your plans. Luckily, robots can cooperate or be
combined, granting the clever inventor the tools to manage these robots efficiently.
The robots in Automata are represented with dice and even though all rolls are useful, players will still be forced to reconsider their plans and options on the fly. It is important to both master the long game and manage the immediate options.
Theme: Steampunk, Gears, Robots
Mechanics: Worker Placement, Resource Management, Dice, Set Collection
About the designer:
Andreas spends most of his time thinking about rules and systems — in the forms of IT at work and cardboard at home. Even with frequent discards the amount of games he owns surpasses 200. Andreas prefers heavier games — and better yet: heavy,
innovative, and provocative. However, his favourite game is the game that fits the atmosphere and the people he is currently with.
This year is Andreas’ debut on Fastaval, both as convention goer and as designer.
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