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Hope Was the Last Thing in the Box

Vorderseite für Hope Was the Last Thing in the Box

Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3-4 Spieler


✏️Brand Robins


PDF Szenario [Englisch] (5,6 MB)


Terry Fox is one of the national heroes of Canada. As a teenager he lost his leg to cancer. Rather than giving up, he started the Marathon of Hope – a run across Canada to raise funds for cancer research. He ran for 143 days over 5,370km (about the distance from Copenhagen to Tehran) from St. John’s Newfoundland to Thunder Bay Ontario. The cancer caught up with him there, and he had to stop running. He died less than a year later. The Marathon of Hope was never finished.

Your characters were children when Terry ran. You saw him on TV, maybe you even saw him in person. He made you believe there was hope, that somewhere the hurting had to stop. Since then life has conspired to take that hope away from you. Everything you love has been lost; you’ve fallen through the cracks and are barely making ends meet. You didn’t think you had hope anymore.

Now you’ve found Terry’s prosthetic leg, and with it a quest. You, together, have to finish the Marathon of Hope. You have to run the 3000 km from Thunder Bay to Victoria, British Columbia. Even though you aren’t athletes, even though the leg is stolen and getting caught with it means prison, even though it doesn’t even make any sense – you know you have to do this. This is your last chance. This may be Canada’s last chance. This is hope, for better or worse.

And because you are on a quest for hope, it means that everything in the world that hurts and screams, everything in this wretched place that preys upon the weak and builds its fiefdoms among the ruins of freedom, every corporate profit and criminal greed and confused sense of self-loathing and shame in your own breast is going to come for you. They will try to buy you, to block you. If that fails they will beat you, they will hurt you, lie to you and make you fear, tell you the truth and make you hate yourself. They will kill you.

You went out, looking to get drunk and forget for a night. Maybe play the lotto, win a little money. Instead you’ve won the future, and it’s probably going to end you.

But if it doesn’t… if it doesn’t… Terry said that somewhere the hurting has to stop. Is it true?

Hier gespielt worden

Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)


Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)

Gewinner, Specialprisen
En klar og gribende forfatterstemme videregiver det særprægede scenarie og gør, at spillederen ikke kan lægge det fra sig før sidste appendiks er læst. Man sidder tilbage med gåsehud og et brændende behov for at se scenariet blive spillet, så man kan få svar på dets centrale spørgsmål.
Nominiert, Bedste Roller
Canadas turbulente fortid udkrystalliseres i fire smukke tabere, der har mistet alt, men som finder håb. Rollerne er nedbrudte, fyldt med fejl og alligevel så sympatiske, at man inderligt ønsker at se dem lykkes og beholde håbet.
Nominiert, Bedste Fortælling
Den lille fortælling om fire nedbrudte menneskers rejse gennem Canada er samtidig den store fortælling om det splittede land. Tre velvalgte scenetyper fortæller, hvordan en fejlet nationalhelts benprotese og et langt løb mod havet måske kan bringe håb til en håbløs verden.

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