Egil Borg Bromée |
By simultaneous sealed bidding, entrepreneurial surgeons strive to buy organs low and sell them to patients high. But competition is tight - how low can you keep your margins while staying profitable?
Ett ekonomi-spel med auktion på organtransplantationer, som utspelar sig i en satirisk retro sci-fi framtid med oreglerad sjukvård och organfabriker.
A tight economic game of sealed bidding and organ transplantations, set in a satirical retro sci-fi future of unregulated healthcare and organ factories.
Hier gespielt worden
Malmö Protospiel 2024 (2024) | |
♲ | SAGA Protospiel Stockholm (2025) |
SAGA Protospiel Stockholm (2025)
Nominiert, Fjädern - Bästa lättare spel (Finalist)
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