TMF Hope
System: LARP Discord
Teilnehmer: 2 Spielleiter, 9 Spieler
✏️ | Acata Felton |
✏️ | Olivia Montoya |
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021), Online, Vereinigte Staaten
Acata Felton | |
Olivia Montoya |
The TMF Hope is a standard freight ship running cargo between planets. There’s no reason something should have gone wrong with their last standard hyper-jump. But apparently something did, because now the ship seems to be caught between several dimensions, and the ship is being pulled apart. If we could all just work together, I’m sure we can fix this…
“TMF Hope” is a Secrets and Powers style game written to run on a custom Discord Bot. The game is for 9 characters, and runs 2 hours of play, with a pre-game workshop to review key mechanics, and structured deroll and debrief. The game feels a little like a text RPG as you interact with the ship and manage mechanics, on top of audio conversations using the Discord chat to interact with other players to solve a puzzle-like crisis. This game has moderate to high cognitive load (much like a fast paced, high complexity LARP with lots of mechanics in person might feel.) Players should expect to split their game attention between talking to a few of their fellow players at a time (not every player will have access to every voice chat, so conversations should remain a managable size) and interacting with text based mechanics to modify the spaceship, pick up/use items, use abilities on each other, etc. The game will be high stakes, with risk for characters to not survive the crisis.
Not all characters are what they claim, and the game includes a signficant element of portraying your character, pursuing your goals, and uncovering secrets about each other. You should expect moderate to high tension as you race against time to save the ship and get home safely.
Participant communications
Once sign ups are closed, a casting app will be provided. Players will be matched to pre-written characters. Between character sheets, world documents, and mechanics, this game should include 10-15 pages of reading.
Content warnings
CWs: All characters are facing a crisis that threatens their lives and safety. Some characters interact with PTSD, betrayal, ableism, and anger issues. Players wishing to avoid these characters can indicate this in their casting survey.
Hier gespielt worden
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021) |
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