System: LARP Discord
✏️ | Megan Coppock |
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021), Online, Vereinigte Staaten
Megan Coppock |
The launch of the Molena-Alvarez Research Vessel was a triumph. Up until this point, all space-faring ships had been military and for limited deployment. The MARV was first of its kind to be purely for scientific research, with no date of return. Four scientists, the best in their fields, were selected as the backbone of the crew. For the last member, a middle school science teacher was selected through a year-long reality competition. The pageantry of contestants raised money for the program, as well as encouraged excitement from the lackadaisical populace. Promising to send instructional and enlightening videos, the crew boarded and launched a one-way mission of discovery with no expectation of returning home.
Game takes place about a year into the MARV’s journey as the characters deal with a new phenomena. This Supernatural Sci-Fi game was inspired by Star Trek and the age-old question of what happens when you die. This game will lightly touch on themes of death, rebirth, reincarnation, supernatural horror, transhumanism, and mass self-destruction. Character backstories and gameplay may include elements of abandonment, adoption, academic inequality, personal disappointment, personhood, and anxiety. There may be mild body horror elements which will be present but not visually seen. We will be playing online using a video chatting platform.
In game, characters may experience bodily possession or visions, and need to separate what is reality vs hallucination. Will you play the skeptic? The pious? Will you demand empirical evidence or take the leap of faith?
Participant communications
Players will be Emailed a casting survey shortly after signing up, and will receive their character at a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the day of game. Character sheets will be in Google Docs which are shared via Email, and are expected to be around 3 pages long.
Content warnings
Content warning included for ghost-flavored possession/mind control.
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Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021) |
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