Dark Places
System: GURPS Hellboy
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 5 Spieler
✏️ | Paddy Delaney |
Rollen [Englisch] | (0,2 MB) | |
Szenario [Englisch] | (0,8 MB) |
Woodburn, Washington State, 1980
When a rash of suicides in a small town comes to the attention of federal authorities, a leading psychologist heads up an FBI investigation into this chilling anomaly. When all of the agents are found dead – seemingly by their own hand - the assistant director decides to turn to an old friend in the BRPD to send in a more... unorthodox team of investigators.
Sometimes what lies in dark places should be left undisturbed.
A Hellboy scenario for 5 investigators for Itzacon 9 (mature players only)
by Paddy Delaney
Hier gespielt worden
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013) |
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