Trauma Team
System: Cyberpunk 2020
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3-5 Spieler
✏️ | Dillon Rooney |
Most people think of Trauma Team as a handy, if expensive, get-out-of-death-free card. But you know how much effort and skill is necessary to provide the service. You could be making more money on the streets, as an edgerunner with no way to contact your employers. Or be safer on the front lines, as a soldier dodging tanks and artillery. But for whatever reason, you’re stuck here, dragging critically injured idiots out of firefights, bringing them back from the brink of death, and shipping them off to hospital.
A Cyberpunk 2020 game for 3 – 5 players by Dillon Rooney.
Rating: Mature
Tags: Cyberpunk. Trauma Team.
Hier gespielt worden
Gaelcon (2016) |
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