The Sirius Breach
System: Dark Heresy
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 4-6 Spieler
✏️ | Xander Cosgrave |
The Sirius cluster has always been fraught with Subspace Anomalies, Piracy and the occasional war. Fourteen years ago, at the height of the Dominion war, the USS Orion led a task force to destroy a Dominion base in the Sirius cluster. The Orion disappeared in a strange plasma storm after the base was destroyed, and no Starfleet ship has gone into the cluster since. Three days ago however, a Ferengi Merchant reported seeing the Orion, and now you’re
going into Sirius, to see what happened to the Orion, and figure out whether or not she can be brought back to Starfleet.
Rating: T for Teen
Hier gespielt worden
Gaelcon (2014) |
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